The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

invertebrates, including humans. They can grow to 20-30 feet long.

T-Cells white blood cells that facilitate the immune system. They start out as
B-cells, travel to the thymus gland and mature into T-cells. T-cells reflect
conditional immune response.

Testes located in the male scrotum. A gender-specific endocrine gland for
development of sex characteristics; some effects on growth.

Testosterone an androgen found in the testes. Testosterone is an aggressive,
steroid-type hormone produced in the adrenal cortex of both men and
women; responsible for sperm production and secondary sex characteristics
in males.

Tetters skin disease with pimples or blisters such as herpes, ringworm, or

Thyroid Gland largest of the endocrine glands; located in the neck. This
gland produces hormones, principally thyroxin. A hormone called calcitonin
is also produced in the thyroid and is vital in calcium utilization. The main
function of the thyroid hormones is to regulate metabolism for the production
of heat and energy in the body tissues. When enlarged, the thyroid gland is
called a goiter. The thyroid increases metabolic rate and indirectly influences
growth and nutrition.

Thymus organ located above the heart, mid sternum; important in the
development of the immune response. It is essential to the maturation of T-

Tincture a preparation made by soaking (macerating) an herb in a specified
amount of grain alcohol to extract its properties.

Tinea capitis fungal skin disease of the scalp.

Tinnitus ringing or tinkling sound in the ear.

Tonics stimulate nutrition and increase systemal tone, energy and vigor.
Enhances the entire system (Angelica, Centaury, Boneset, German
Chamomile, Red Clover, Sanicle, Self-Heal, Stinging Nettle, Yarrow).

Toxemia 1. a toxic condition of the body arising from the consumption of
meats, dairy products, refined sugars, candies, soda pops, grains, chemical
medications, vaccinations, drugs, etc. Smoking tobacco and/or marijuana also
add to systemic toxicity; 2. a condition of acidosis.

Toxicity the quality of being poisonous. Toxicity reactions in the body
impair bodily functions and/or damage cells, thereby impairing health. (Also

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