The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

see: Toxemia.)

Toxin a poisonous substance of an animal or plant origin.

Trace Elements minerals required by the body in very small amounts.

Triglyceride a compound consisting of three fatty acids plus glycerol. They
are the form in which fat is stored in the body, and are the primary type of
lipid in the diet. These stored fats are used for additional energy if needed by
the body. They act like batteries, storing energy until needed.

Unsaturated Fat any dietary fat that is liquid at room temperature.
Unsaturated fats come from vegetable sources and are good sources of
essential fatty acids. (Flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and evening
primrose oil.)

Uric Acid a waste product of the metabolism of proteins. The kidneys
eliminate uric acid from the body. High protein consumption and obstructed
kidneys lead to conditions such as gout (acidosis), etc.

Uremia 1. toxic condition associated with renal insufficiency produced by
the retention in the blood of nitrogenous substances normally excreted by the
kidneys. 2. reflections of high protein consumption or the breakdown of

Utilization the ability of the body to use a nutrient or fuel. Most utilization
depends on hormones, steroids, or neurotransmitters. Consumption and
absorption is not utilization.

Vasoconstrictor an agent that narrows blood-vessel openings, restricting the
flow of blood through them.

Vasodepressant/Vasodilator lowers blood pressure by dilation (widening)
of blood vessels.

Vermicides herbs that kill intestinal worms.

Vermifuge herbs which cause the expulsion of or repels intestinal worms and

Vesicants agents that causes blistering, such as poison ivy, oak or sumac.

Villi the short filamentous process found on certain membranous surfaces
that act as filtering mechanisms (found in the lungs, intestines, etc.).

Vitality 1. that which distinguishes living things from the nonliving. 2.
animation, action. 3. state of being alive. 4. a state of dynamic health.

Vitamin any of a group of organic substances other than proteins,

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