The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Prefixes and Suffixes

a- Without, lack of
ab- Away from, not
-able Capable
acou- Hearing
ac- Pertaining to, having
acro- Extremities, all parts
ad- To, toward, near to
aden- Gland
-al Expressing relationship
-algia Pain
ambi, ambo Around, on both sides
an- Without, not, lack of
ana- Up, back, again
angio- Vessel
ante- Before, forward
anti- Against, counteracting
arthr- Joint
-ary Associated with
-asis Condition, state of
auto- Self, self caused
bi- Two, double
bio- Life
-blast- Bud, germ
brachy- Short
brady- Slow
burso- Sac
carcin- Cancer
cardio- Heart
cata- Down, lower, under
-cele Hollow, hernia, tumor
cephal- Head
cerebro- Brain
chol- Bile
cholecyst- Gallbladder
chondr- Cartilage

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