The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

-cide Kill
-cilia- Hair-like projection
circum- Around, about
-clast- Smash, break
co- With, together
com-, con- With, together
contra- Against, opposite
-crine To secrete
crypto- Hidden
cysto- Bladder or sac
-cyte-, cyto-Cell
de- Away from
derm- Skin
di- Two, twice, double
dia- Through, apart, across
dis- Apart from, opposite of
-duct- Draw, tube, canal
dura- Hard
-dynia Pain
dys- Difficult, out of order
e-, ec- Out, away from
ecto- On outer side
-ectomy Cut out
-edem- Swell
em- In or blood
-emia Blood
ent- Inside, within, inner
endo- Within
entero- Intestine
epi- Upon, in addition to
erythro- Red
eu- Well, good, normal
ex- Out, away from
exo- Outside, on outer side
extra- Outside
-ferent Carry
-fistul- A narrow passage, pipe
flex, fleet Bend, turn
-form Shaped like, resembling

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