The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

steno-steth- NarrowChest

-stomy To make an artificial openir
sub- Under, below, less
super- Above, upper, excessive
supra- Above, upon, over
sym-, syn- Together, with
tachy- Fast, swift
-tein To stretch
tele- Distant, far away
therm- Heat
thorac- Chest
thromb- Lump, clot
-tomy Cut, incise
tox- Poison
-tract Draw
trans- Across, through, beyond
tri- Three, third
tres- Hole, opening
-troph- Nourishment
-trophy Development, growth
-tropic Changing, influencing
-turn Swell
ul, ule Small, little
-uria Urine
utero- Uterus
vaso- Vessel
vene-, vena-Vein
-vesic- Bladder
viscer- Internal organ
-vulse Twitch or pull

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