The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

arsenic (As), 84 – 85

arteries, 22

arterioles, 22

artificial flavorings, 131

aspartame, 128

AST (aspartate aminotransferase), 325

asthma, 195 – 96

astragalus, 237

astringents, phytochemical, 96

atrials, 21

attitude, 106 – 7

auto-antigens, 35

“autoimmune” illusion, 36

autoimmune syndromes, 40 , 153 , 154 , 160


B-cell response, 35 – 36

B-cells, 38

bacilli, 147

bacteria, 146 , 149

types of, 146 – 47

Banana Ice Cream, 230

bananas, 105

Basal Temperature Study, 6 , 292

Basal Temperature Test, 44 , 163

basil oil, 295

basophils, 38 , 326

baths, steam, 278 – 79

beans, 226 – 27

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