The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

diverticulitis, 192

DNA (deoxyribose), 66

DPT (diphtheria-pertussistetanus) vaccine, 122

drugs. See chemical medicines; medications dry cleaning, 132

dry skin brushing, 278

duodenum, 25 , 27


E-boli viruses, 146

echinacea angustifolia, 241 – 42

EDTA, 129

ego, 288

Ehret, Arnold, 4

electrolytes, 99 , 140 , 150

imbalances, 330

electromagnetism. See energy eleuthero, 252

elimination, 14 , 18

eliminative systems, 16 – 17 , 29 – 32. See also specific systems

Emerging Viruses (Horowitz), 121 , 123

emotional body 286 , 287

emotional detoxification, 186 – 87

emotional health, 167 – 69

mind, emotions, and the cells, 167 – 68

endochondral ossification, 59

endocrine glands, 43 , 49 – 52 , 154. See also glandular system

endometrium, 56

endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 18

endothelium, 22

enemas, 119 , 211 – 12

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