The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

glandulars, 313

Glisson’s capsule, 27

glucose, 27 , 63 , 64 , 66 , 322

glucose/fructose utilization, 330

glycerol, 70

glycogen, 27

glycoproteins, 36

glycosides, 97

“God eaters,” 4

goldenseal, 244

Golgi apparatus, 18

gotu kola, 244 – 45

grains, 164 , 226

grape juice, 225

grape juice fast, 207

grapefruit oil, 295

“green foods.” See super-foods

green products, 308

growth hormone, bovine, 112

guacamole, 229

Gulf War Syndrome, 122 , 146

gums, 129


hair analysis, 331

hawthorn berry, 245

HCT (hematocrit), 327

healing, 20 “healing crisis,” 7 , 185 , 191 , 192 , 197 – 99

cases of cleansing, 200 – 201
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