The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

parasitic, chemical, etc. Even foods that are harmful when ingested set up an
immune and lymphatic response.

Your body as a whole and each cell that comprises it has awareness
(consciousness). Your immune system teaches itself to recognize past
invaders and stores this information in memory cells. This takes place from
conception (memories from parents) and continues on through your exposure
to the outside world. Your body and its organs are covered with “skin” or a
membrane that is designed to protect it initially (mechanically). From here,
immunological (immune) cells and their chemicals are designed to “eat” or
destroy these invaders in one way or another.

There are many different types of immune cells, each with its own
specific area of expertise. We have and develop our immunity from the

Active natural — (nature) one’s own innate and adaptive immune
Active artificial — (vaccination) immunity created by artificially
supplying a pathogen or antigen, so the body can create immunity from
the supplied source.
Passive natural — mother to fetus through the placenta. Transferred to a
non-immune individual.
Passive artificial — transferred from injected (vaccinated) animals to

Nature does not procreate the weak. If it did, nature would not withstand
itself. This is true of your body and the cells that comprise it.

Autoimmune syndromes are nothing more than the strong eliminating the
weak. With this in mind, the best course of action in “diseases” or conditions
of hypoactivity or weakness is always to strengthen, strengthen and
strengthen yourself and your cells. Clean your body of all the chemicals,
toxins, pus, stored mucus and parasites (the harmful variety) and get healthy!


The large intestines, or what is called the colon, are composed of six sections.
They are the cecum, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid and finally
the rectum. The average colon is from five to six feet long. The colon is

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