The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

pigmentation. Melatonin is inhibited by light striking the retina. The pineal
gland is regulated by light (internal and external).

In spiritual circles the pineal gland is called the “third eye,” “tisra til,” or
the “10th door.” It is considered the window into the heavens —the eye of
heaven—and is a point focused on in meditation.


The thyroid consists of two lobes in the anterior portion (front) of the neck.
The parathyroid consists of four or more small glands on the back of the

Since many people choose to consume “cooked” dairy products and
refined sugars (highly mucus-forming), they develop congestion throughout
the sinus cavities, head area, throat, bronchi and lungs. The
thyroid/parathyroid, since it is located in the throat area, also becomes
congested and either becomes hyperactive (overactive) or, as in most cases,
hypoactive (underactive). From clinical observation, blood tests that show
levels of thyroid hormones T4s, T3s and TSHs are very inaccurate at
determining thyroid function. I have included the Basal Temperature Test in
Appendix A because it is a better overall indicator of thyroid function.

The job of the thyroid/parathyroid glands includes increasing and/or
decreasing the following: metabolism; the ability of cells to absorb and use
glucose; protein metabolism for growth; the use of fats; rate and strength of
the heart beat; rate and depth of respiration; and the rate of calcium
absorption from blood, intestines, bones and kidneys. The
thyroid/parathyroid also has an interrelationship with other glands, not quite
understood at this time.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) include: bone
loss, improper bone growth, brittle and ridged fingernails, hair loss, cold
hands and feet, a dislike of cold weather, heart arrhythmias, heart attacks,
depression, connective tissue weaknesses, scoliosis of the spine, arthritis,
fatigue, slow metabolism, obesity, hot flashes, cramping, spasms, myxedemas
and growth issues.

The symptoms of hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid) include goiter,
protruding eyes, hyperactivity, thyrotoxicosis, and excessive-growth issues.

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