Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The western part of the precinct, Medori Park, is named
after an Orzhov pontiff who converted a city park into
a warehouse lot many years ago. This neighborhood is
particularly rife with undead at night, both corporeal
and incorporeal. Some serve dark masters and often
guard valuables, while others pursue their own evil
urges. The Orzhov Syndicate owns many large ware-
houses here, and the Boros Legion maintains facilities
to store a variety of equipment used by their soldiers,
including valuable weapons and armor. The most im-
portant facilities are heavily guarded-often by angels,
whether Boros or Orzhov.

A gaping opening in the ground dominates the precinct
and is lined with mossy stairs and fungal blooms. Dead-
bridge Chasm serves as an entrance to the Golgari's
undercity realm and their guildhall, Korozda. The area
smells of decomposition, an odor that grows particularly
intense on hot days. Many kraul make their homes in
the walls that line the cavernous descent, and Devkarin
elves come up to the surface through this passage to
trade on Tin Street.

The neighborhood of Wayport r ises like a pillar from the
midst of Deadbridge Chasm, and a number of bridges,
large and small, connect it to the surrounding city of
multiple vertical levels. Many goods traded with other
districts are funneled along Tin Street, often pausing
in Wayport's warehouses along the way. But only the
wealthiest merchants can afford storage space here.

This wide bridge is a main thoroughfare for cargo
traveling to and from districts beyond the Tenth. A
small market is located here, complete with shops and
restaurants, all of which close after dark. Secret pain
clubs, hidden below the market in dark rooms inside the
bridge itself, come alive after sunset.


Trade goods can easily be acquired in Precinct S ix,
along with manufactured items such as artisan's tools.
Weapons, armor, and mounts are rarely on sale here.
Fences deal in stolen and otherwise illicit goods. On
Tin Street, which runs along the eastern side of the pre-
cinct, most anything can be had for the right price.
Meals and lodging of poor to modest quality meet
the needs of the laborers, dock hands, and street per-
formers of Precinct Six for a price they can afford. The
wealthy are viewed as outsiders, and the truly impover-
ished are generally shunned.
At the DM's discretion, adventurers who maintain a
lifestyle less expensive than poor o r more expensive
than modest could have disadvantage on Charisma
checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Six.


The folk of Precinct Six are pragmatic, not overly con-
cerned with the welfare of others, and thus often willing

to disregard minor crimes. Arresters from the Azorius
Senate can often be found on patrol in and around the
warehouses. Soldiers from the Boros Legion are com-
mon near the warehouses and in the Smelting Quarter.
The typical response time to a reported crime in these
areas is 2d 10 minutes, and the squad consists of two Bo-
ros soldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block). At night or
in the Smelting Quarter, a response to an attack might
instead consist of ld4 Boros soldiers led by a sergeant
(use the knight stat block in the Monster Manual).
Precinct Six is a hotbed for illicit activity, particularly
organized crime. Goblin gangs haunt the Smelting
Quarter, most notably a large gang that claims Foundry
Street, led by a goblin named Krenko. Vicious turf wars
sometimes erupt in that area. Violent crimes occur with
regularity all over the precinct, with most of the bodies
ending up in Deadbridge Chasm. Night-lurking mon-
sters are a particular problem in the precinct as well,
often attacking and disappearing before help can arrive.


d12 Description
1 Actor, out getting a meal
2 Carpenter, heading to the next job
3 Devkarin elf (dark elf), on an errand
4 Goblin cutpurse, looking for an easy mark
5 Laborer, ready to head to the tavern
6 Merchant, looking for a Rakdos club
7 Metalsmith, grimy from a long day's work
8 Performer, with a child apprentice
9 Shipwright, out buying some supplies
10 Soldier, off duty and enjoying a walk
11 Soldier, on duty and in a hurry
12 Teamster, spoiling for a fight

d6 Rumor
"Something very large was lurking in the chasm last
night, and it knocked a carriage off a bridge. The pas-
sengers jumped out just in time!"
2 " I heard that Krenko's gang has been t rying to get
their hands on mizzium, and are willing to pay a good
price for it too."
3 "The wight of Precinct Six has struck again! This
morning, an arrester and a cutpurse were found dead
in an alley, drained of their life. A bystander saw it
4 "Did you hear those shrieking sounds out near Ben-
zer's Bridge last night? Whatever it was, it didn't
sound like anything I've ever heard before. Chilling."
5 "I hear Rhionna is closing up her forge. She says she's
getting sick of replacing stolen tools every week. The
staff claims they're innocent."
6 "One of the warehouses out in Medori Park had an
intense red glow shining through its windows yester·
day. Smelled of sulfur. No one wants to go near it."

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