Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
The impetus for adventuring might come from within
the player characters' own guilds, rather than from ex-
ternal guilds. Each guild e ntry in th is chapter provides
some examples of missions that the guild might send
its members on. These missions can also serve as side
quests that a character is asked to fulfill while engaged
in a larger task that involves the whole party.

d8 Adventure Goal

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Find an item that is important to the guild.
Get information from a guild member.
Protect or rescue a guild member in the midst of a
Free a guild member from captivity.
Find a missing guild member.
Kill or capture an enemy of the guild.
Help a guild member who's in trouble with the law.
Recruit someone to join the guild.


Each guild section includes a table of adventure hooks-
events that might drive adventures but don't necessarily
involve specific locations or villains. They offer a general
description of circumsta nces that can lead to adventure.

Choosing a Guild

Here a re the main ways to approach the choice of guild
for your adventure:
Choose a guild that has an aesthetic or a story that ex-
cites you and that will lead to the sort of villain or type
of adventure you want to build. The following section,
"Adventure Types,'' shows how different guilds are
natural fits for certain types of adventure.

  • Pick a guild that fits your players' tastes. The introduc-
    tion to the Dungeon Master's Guide offers some guid-
    ance for crafting adventures to please different kinds
    of players. The guild or guilds your players choose will
    also help you understand your players' desires. It's a

To make a simple location-based adventure quickly, follow
these steps:

  1. Choose a guild (or use the Guilds table in chapter l
    if you want to choose randomly). The adventure will
    take place in that guild's location, as described in
    this chapter.

  2. Determine the adventure goal us ing the table associated
    with that location.

  3. Use creatures associated with the guild (shown on the
    tables in chapter 6) to populate the location.
    Optionally, you can use the Location Connections ta-
    ble in this chapter to link the location you're using to a
    second location. You can either select a location based
    on the result of that table or determine the second loca-
    tion randomly.


safe bet that a player who creates a Rakdos character
is looking for mayhem and combat, while a Dimir
player is more interested in intrigue and sabotage.
Armed with that understanding, you can better craft
an adventure experience aimed at your players.

  • Go with a guild that easily provides a villain to face. A
    few guilds make very straightforward villains: Gruul,
    Rakdos, Dimir, and Golgari.
    Let a die decide the guild, using the Random Guilds
    table in this book's introduction.
    The guild you choose will provide a potential location,
    villain, mission, or adventure hook, as well as point you
    toward the type of adventure you're going to run.


Certain guilds lend themselves to particular types of

adventures better than others, as shown below. If you're

interested in running an intrigue adventure, where the
heroes must unravel twisted plots within plots, you'll
want to choose a different guild from what you would se-
lect if you want to run a dungeon delve that will take the
adventurers into the labyrinthine undercity.

Beneath the urban environment ofRavnica is an entirely
different city-the dark, dank undercity, where vermin
and horrors lurk and the Golgari Swarm maintains
its elegant courts. Indeed, thousands of years of devel-
opment have buried countless layers of construction
beneath the current surface streets, making the under-
city much larger than the surface city, though much of
it is inaccessible. But if a sinkhole or other catastrophe
opens long-sealed vaults and exposes them to the sur-
face again, who knows what horrors might be revealed?

dl2 Guild
1- 3 House Dimir
4- 8 Golgari Swarm
9-10 Cult of Rakdos
11 - 12 Simic Combine

Though the world is covered with streets and buildings,
Ravnica also has its wilderness areas, including the
ruined rubblebelts haunted by the Gruul and the sylvan
wilds cultivated by the Selesnya.

d6 Guild
1- 4 Gruul Clans
5-6 Selesnya Conclave

Every guild has its internal politics, making it easy for
characters to get caught up in intrigue-particularly
within their own guilds. Certain guilds a re more likely
to involve themselves in the politics of other guilds,
which makes them particularly good villains for in-
trigue-based adventures.
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