Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
d8 Party Makeup
One-Guild Party. Choose a guild and refer to its de-
scription in chapter 2 for suggestions on building
the party around it.
2 Classic Party. Boros or Selesnya cleric (Life Do-
main), Azorius or Boros fighter (Champion arche-
type), Dimir or Golgari rogue (Thief archetype),
Boros or lzzet wizard (School of Evocation)
3 Law and Order Party. Boros cleric, Azorius fighter,
Azorius wizard, Boros ranger
4 Mad Science Party. Simic druid, lzzet fighter, lzzet
wizard, Simic monk
5 Skulkers Party. Golgari druid, Golgari fighter or



ranger, Dimir rogue or monk, Dimir wizard
Chaos Party. Gruul druid, Gruul barbarian, Rakdos
warlock, Rakdos rogue
Nature Party. Selesnya druid, Gruul barbarian,
Simic wizard or Selesnya bard, Golgari rogue
8 Benevolent Party. Selesnya cleric, Boros paladin,
Azorius wizard, Selesnya bard

d8 Reasons for Cooperating
Cellmates. The characters are prisoners in an Azo-
rius prison, a Gruul camp, or a Rakdos cage.
2 Greater Threat. The characters are fighting each


other when a rampaging wurm attacks.
Sudden Danger. The characters are trapped to -
gether by a sinkhole opening, a building collapsing,
or a laboratory exploding.
4 Dream Team. A strange dream leads each charac-
ter to the same destination.
5 Lost Together. The characters are hopelessly lost in
an unfamiliar part of the city.
6 Detente. By order of their guilds' leaders, the
characters must cooperate to complete a secret
7 Common Foe. A villain is a common enemy to all
the characters.
8 Do or Die. The characters are all trying to avert the
catastrophe of an all-out war among the guilds.


The people of Ravnica include members of many differ-
e nt races. Aside from humans, elves, and a smattering
of half-elves, the races from the Player's Handbook
are unknown on Ravnica, unless they're visiting from
other worlds.
This chapter provides information about the following
common races of Ravnica, as well as racial t ra its for all
of them but humans and elves:
Humans on Ravnica are like those found on other D&D
worlds: adaptable, ambitious, and wildly diverse.
Elves, in their three common subraces, are strongly as-
sociated with nature.


Centaurs, the quintessential merging of human and
horse, savor freedom and champion nature's cause.
Goblins are small, fierce, stealthy, and some-
times comical.
Loxodons resemble humanoid elephants with powerful
bodies, stoic natures, and serene wisdom.
Minotaurs on Ravnica are sophisticated tacticians as
well as strong and fierce warriors.
Simic hybrids are the results of the Simic Combine's
Guardian Project, which magically infuses the adap-
tive qualities of certain animal species into human,
elf, or vedalke n volunteers.
Vedalken are tall, blue-skinned, and inge nious, with in-
satiable curiosity and a penchant for invention.


You can roll for your character's height and weight on
the Random Height and Weight table. See the Player's
Handbook for humans, elves, and half-elves.

Base Height Base Weight
Race Height Modifier Weight Modifier
Centaur 6'0" +ldlO 600 lb. x (2dl2) lb.
Goblin 3'5" +2d4 35 lb. x 1 lb.

  • as humanoid base option -
    Loxodon 6'7" +2d 10 295 lb. x (2d4) lb.
    Minotaur 5'4" +2d 8 175 lb. x (2d6) lb.
    Veda I ken 5'4" +2d10 110 lb. x (2d4) lb.
    Height= Base Height+ Height Modifier in inches
    Weight= (Base Weight+ Height Modifier in pounds) x Weight


Humans are a scant majority among the peoples of
Ravnica, dominating some guilds and barely repre-
sented in others. As on other worlds, they a re inno-
vators, achievers, and pioneers whose daring and
adaptability make them capable of great things-and
great falls.
Not one of the paruns of the ten guilds was huma n,
although the Ghost Council of the Orzhov Syndicate is
of human origin. Likewise, no current guild master is
human. But humans are lieutenants, advisors, and s t rat-
egists in many guilds. Their ambition and drive propel
them toward the top, but the sheer might of beings s uch
as ancient dragons, sphinxes, and demons keeps hu-
mans one rung down from the pinnacle of power.
The humans of Ravnica are no less physically diverse
than those of other worlds. Similarly, they a re varied in
their inclinations: they alone are found in every guild.

One particular human tongue has triumphed over all
others to become Ravnica's Common language, and its
phonemes and traditions shape the names of most of
Ravnica's humans. Humans sometimes borrow names
from other races, but they have a rich pool of traditional
names to draw from.
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