Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


mix. But perhaps the Golgari Swarm's most dangerous
quality is the widespread confidence among its mem-
bers that it will survive any catastrophe that might befall
the surface world. This certainty means Golgari villains
will stop at nothing in an attempt to provoke such an
event- triggeri ng a virulent plague, causing explosive
plant growth, or inciting the other guilds into open war,
for example. Over the course of a campaign, a group
of advent urers might foil Golgari pla ns to accomplish
all these th ings, or the characters might be constantly
struggling against one ongoing disaster.
For example, the characters might spend the early
part of the campaign resolving disputes between guilds,
unaware that the Golgari are actually the instigators of
those conflicts. Perhaps incidental to these missions,
they also face a spore druid who is in the early stages
of testing a terrible plague. Then, as the campaign
reaches higher levels, the plague breaks out again, this
time spreading rapidly. The crisis heightens tensions
among the othe r guilds, especially whe n food sources
are th reatened. At the climax of the campaign, t he
heroes must defuse conflict among the guilds while
finding a way to get at the druid at the cause of it all,
who is locked in an undercity mansion waiting out the


Characters who a re members of the Golgari Swarm
might be sent on missions into the undercity, particu-
larly jobs that involve retrieval or salvage. T he secretive
agents of the Ochran are more likely to pursue goals
that call for theft or even assassination, while shamans
could participate in the swarm's work of "reclamation"
in surface neighbor hoods. The Golgari Assignments
table reflects this range of possibilities. An assignment
can also serve as a side quest for Golgari adventurers
to undertake while pursuing a larger goal with a mixed-
guild party.

d6 Assignment
1 Find a valuable item believed lost in the undercity.
2 Retrieve a corpse in the undercity.
3 Collect a sample of a fungus in the undercity.
4 Steal something that is important to another guild.
5 Kill an outspoken enemy of the Golgari.
6 Position a fungus so that its spores will s pread into
a populated area and drive the inhabitants out.


The Golgari Adventure Hooks table offers ideas for addi-
tional adventures themed around the Golgari Swarm.

d6 Adventure Hook
Citizens who die i n a particular neighborhood
sp rout fungal growths and rise as zombies, then
shamble toward the undercity.
2 Shriekers sprout throughout a neighborhood.

(^3) Swarms ofinsects under the control of a Golgari
shaman (see chapter 6 for the stat block) terrorize
a neighborhood.
(^4) Poor people who subsist on Golgari food contract
a dangerous, contagious magical infection.
S Several kraul have moved into an old tenement and
are making their neighbors nervous.
6 A beloved statue, long assumed to be the image of
some forgotten community hero, suddenly returns
to life after being petrified for a hundred years.

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