Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

A campaign involving the lzzet League could revolve
around an lzzet resear cher's efforts to gain personal
power or greater influence for the guild t hrough the
wonders of modern magical science.
Al low levels, the characters might help deal with a
sm all-scale mishap in an Izzet wor kshop that is pre-
sumed to be an accident. Maybe something in the man-
ner of the responsible researcher sti rs up thei r suspi-
cion, but there's no evidence of wrongdoing at this point.
As the campaign progresses, the characters might con-
tinue having run-ins with the same researcher, whose
work seems to be growing more dangerous. Eventually.
they discover evidence that this researcher is develop-
ing weapons to use against the other guilds, and as a
result the researcher has to move to a secret workshop,
perhaps tucked away in the undercity. Or perhaps the
guild master intervenes, declares this issue to be an in-
ternal matter for the Izzet to resolve, and assures the au-
t horities that the researcher will be properly dealt with.
As the campaign reaches its climax, the adventurers are
tasked with discovering the researcher's secret labora-
tory and disabling the super-weapon.


Characters who are connected with the lzzet League
might be asked to run errands for higher-ranked re-
searchers, or to take on more difficult tasks on behalf
of colleagues. The lzzet Assignments table provides
examples of goals that can serve as adventure hooks for
a party or as side quests for an Izzet character to pursue
in the course of a larger adventure.

d6 Assignment
1 Acquire a hard-to-find metal or energy source.
2 Copy a rival's research notes.
3 Destroy a rival's research.
4 Take measurements of an unusual object or
location (such as spatial dimensions or readings of
various magical levels).
5 Test a new invention.
6 Repair an important piece of Ravnica's infrastruc-
ture, such as a water main or a boiler pipe, that is
tucked away in a remote location.


The Izzet Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for ad-
ditional adventures themed around the Izzet League.

d6 Adventure Hook
An lzzet experiment transforms a researcher, who
then seeks help in returning to normal form.
2 An escaped lzzet weird (described in chapter 6) is



causing magical malfunctions around the district.
A researcher trying to craft an antigravity alloy for a
personal flight apparatus has created a number of
reverse gravity effects, and is now trapped in midair
at the top of one.
After a laboratory explosion, an alchemical fire
resistant to conventional firefighting techniques is
spreading through several neighborhoods.
5 A reckless researcher triggered an explosion in a
mizzium foundry, causing a wave of molten metal
to spill out into the surrounding streets.
6 A researcher who claims to have traveled back in
time warns of an impending disaster.
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