Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
The use of family names seems to be a peculiarly hu-
man custom. Family names are passed down to children
from either parent, and sometimes children use the
family names of both their parents. For example, Micyl
Savod Zunich was the son of Fonn Zunich and Jarad
Vod Savo. When other races use family names, they are
usually derived from some connection (not necessarily a
blood tie) to a human family.
Male Human Names: Agmand, Agosto, Bell, Brev,
Oars, Dobromir, Dravin. Evern, Gorev, Ivos,janik,
Juri, Lannos, Lucian, Micas, Nikos, Obez, Olrik,
Osidar, Rogad, Sergiu, Sirislav, Tibor, Trigori, Tzaric,
Uzric, Valen, Vennick, Viet, Vorimir, Vuliev, Zunak
Female Huma n Names: Anksa, Aszala, Berta, Bor i,
Briska, Dahlya, Geetra, lzolda,Jozica, Lavinia, Luda,
Lyzolda, Milana, Miotri. Nefara, Palla, Pel, Ruba,
Strava, Sulli, Vina, Voka, Zija
Family Na mes: Andon, Bara, Bejiri, Borca, Capobar,
Forenzad, Gerava, Gharti, Golozar, Gostok, Grezar,
Helsk,javya, Karlaus, Kirescu, Koba, Kos, Macav,
Migellic, Nar, Nodov, Pelerine, Pijha, Ralinu, Ringor,
Rokiric, Sarv, Shonn, Suszat, Tandris, Trul, Tylver,
Valenco, Vay, Vinloskarga, Wenslauv, Yaszen


The elves of Ravnica are as much at home in the mar-
kets of Ivy Lane and the inns of Oak Street as their kin
on other worlds are in ancient forests and fey castles.
They scale the spires of cathedrals and meditate in gar-
dens and greenbelts. They are part of the city, contribut-
ing to its vibrant life and sprawling growth while ensur-
ing it never strays too far from its roots in the earth.
Elves are associated with the principles and magic of
nature. growth, and stability. Striving to live in harmony
with both nature and the community of Ravnica, they
are drawn to guilds that share those ideals, particularly
Selesnya, Golgari, and Simic. The Gruul Clans revere
nature but set themselves in opposition to civilization,
so they don't hold much appeal for the typical elf.
Ravnica's elves don't share the unearthly, haunting
presence of the ir kin on other worlds, perhaps because
of the extent to which the city has rubbed off on them.
They can easily be mistaken for human from certain
angles. particularly if their long, pointed ears and their
delicate facial features aren't apparent.

As on other D&D worlds, Ravnica's elves can be catego-
rized as high elves, wood elves, and dark elves, though
there is little physical difference among the three sub-
races here. Elves share the traits described in the Play-
er's Handbook for their race and subrace.
High Elves. The high elves of Ravnica have been
subsumed into the Simic Combine and have lost their
original tribal name. They are more slender than other

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elves, and they tend to have angular features and pale
skin that often verges toward greenish hues.
Wood Elves. The wood elves of Ravnica, called the
Silhana, are strongly associated with the Selesnya
Conclave. Most guild less elves can also trace their an-
cestry to the Silhana. Their coloration covers the whole
human range, and sometimes extends to green-or cop-
per-colored hair.
Dark Elves. The word "drow" isn't used on Ravnica,
but the Devkarin elves are sometimes called the elves
of shadow. They are closely connected to the Golgari
Swarm, and because they generally live underground,
they share other dark elves' sensitivity to sunlight. Un-
like the drow of other worlds, their coloration is much
the same as that of wood elves, though their bair is usu-
ally dark brown or black.

If the tradition of using child names for young elves,
as described in the Player's Handbook, was ever prac-
ticed on Ravnica, it has long since died out. Some
traditional Elvish names remain in use, often modified
by the influence of human names. Most elves don't use
family names.
Male Names: Alcarus, Aramin, Beryan, Carrie, Ezoc,
Gurras, Jmmeral,jarad, Laucian. Mihas, Mandor, Mo-
lander, Peren, Suniel, Theren. Varis
Female Names: Arin, Bethrynna, Cevraya, Dainya.
Drusilia, Elga, Emmara, Fonn, Ielenya, Iveta, Karissa,
Kirce, Meriele, Nayine, Niszka. Svania, Veszka, Yeva
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