Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The temple s hown in map 4.9 is at the heart of the ver-
nadi, built in and around a large tree. A circle of white
marble with several archways surrounds the base of
the tree, encompassing both a decorative garden where
meetings are held and a vegetable garden that provides
food for the vernadi. The meeting garden includes
benches and a fountain of fresh water. Two small build-
ings at ground level offer rustic accommodations for
members of the vernadi or guests.
Gracefully curving ramps sweep around the trunk
of the tree, leading to various other small buildings.
Several of these are open to the air. offering sheltered
places for gatherings or quiet contemplation. Others are
apartments where leaders of the vernadi live. Near the
top of the tree is a large, round temple s pace.


True evil is rare among the members of Selesnya, with
misplaced religious zeal being the impetus that most
commonly pushes its members into acts of villainy.
Examples of Selesnya villains appear in the Selesnya
Villains table.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A fanatical leader disrupts building projects be-
cause they aren't in harmony with nature.
A Ledev guardian is leading preemptive raids on
other guilds, believing that a foll-scale attack on
the conclave is imminent.
A voda, feeling imperiled by the ills of society,
causes vines to grow and seal the members of her
vernadi inside.
A militant leader of a splinter group harasses "un-
believers" on the street and threatens to unleash
elemental power on them.
A loxodon evangel uses coercive methods to
recruit young people into the conclave.
An elf seeking spiritual union with Mat'Selesnya
threatens the dryad of their own vernadi.
A crazed prophet claims to be the incarnation
of Mat'Selesnya and gathers an army to strike at
other guilds.
A horncaller (see chapter 6 for the stat block)
steals animals that were used as pets, mounts, and
beasts of burden throughout the neighborhood.
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