Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

creatures, including some that are unknown
on other worlds in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS.
This chapter provides stat blocks for many
of these creatures, and it concludes with a collection
of nonplayer characters who fill the ranks of Ravni-
ca's guilds.
Some of the stat blocks in this book have a special
feature: guild spells. If a stat block says its creature is a
spellcaster of a particular guild- an Izzet spellcaster, for
instance- that creature's spell list includes one or more
spells from that guild's s pell list. See chapter 2 for the
guilds' lists.

Creatures by Guild

This section is a list of creatures in this chapter and in
the Monster Manual that are associated with each guild.
Each guild's entry includes a brief discussion of the
mons ters from the Monster Manual that could be found
among the guild's members, a nd it includes a table
s howing monsters sorted by challenge rating.
Most of these monsters are in this book (GGR) or the
Monster Manual (MM), but some of the monsters from
Volos Guide to Monsters (VGM) and Mordenkainens
Tome of Foes (MTF) are also mentioned.


Most creatures associated with the Azorius Senate are
humanoids (largely humans and vedalken) and various
others that serve as familiars. pets, and mounts. Owls
are popular familiars, since they are viewed as symbols
of wisdom and sound judgment. Sphinxes and archons
are the rare non humanoids that play a significant role in
the leadership and operation of the guild.
Azorius lawmages craft one-eyed homunculi to per-
form menial tasks in Azorius buildings. These homun-
culi use the statistics of a regular homunculus except
that they are wingless and have no flying speed.

Azorius sphinxes, known as sphinxes of judgment, wield
hieromancy- the power of law magic- with the force of
a judge's gavel to imprison criminals and compel truth
from them. A sphinx of judgment is a gynosphinx, as
described in the Monster Manual, but it is an Azorius
spellcaster with the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, message
1 st level (4 s lots): command, ensnaring strike, shield
2nd level (3 s lots): calm emotions, hold person,
3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, counterspe/1,
dispel magic
4th level (3 slots): banishment, divination
5th level (1 slot): dominate person

Challenge Creature Source
0 Homunculus MM
0 Owl MM
1/ 4 Giant owl MM
1/2 Soldier CCR
1/2 Warhorse MM
Giant eagle MM
2 Griffon MM
3 Arrester (veteran or knight) MM
3 Precognitive mage CCR
5 Felidar CCR
6 Lawmage CCR
11 Sphinx of judgment (gynosphinx) MM
14 Archon of the Triumvirate CCR
17 Androsphinx MM
21 l speria CCR

The Boros Legion employs many different creatures to
swell the ranks of its soldiery. These creatures might
serve as companions, guardians, or mounts.

Flame-kin (which use t he azer stat block in t he Monster
Manual) are elemental soldiers magically created and
animated to serve the legion as scouts and shock troops.
Fanatical and inflexible, they are relics of a time when
the guild was more concerned with zealotry than jus-
tice. They take the field for large military engagements.

Challenge Creature Source
1/8 Mastiff MM
1/4 Frontline medic CCR
1/2 Soldier CCR
1/2 Viashino (lizardfolk) MM
2 Flame-kin (azer) MM
2 Skyjek roe CCR
3 Knight MM
3 Veteran MM
4 Reckoner CCR

s Battleforce angel CCR

7 Firefist CCR
8 Guardian giant CCR
10 Deva MM
12 Firemane angel CCR
16 Planetar MM
21 Solar MM
23 Aurelia CCR

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