Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Ravnican angels are physical manifestations of the
principles of justice and righteousness. Created in the
image of the founder of the Boros Legion, Razia, they
originally all served in the legion, but individual angels
embody different approaches to ideals of justice, duty,
law, and order. This diversity has caused some angels to
leave the Boros Legion; they might join other guilds or
remain independent, protecting the guildless.
Angels from Ravnica appear similar to human women
w ith two large feathered wings. Present-day angels have
the full range of human height, weight, and coloration.
Some a re crowned or surrounded by a glowing nimbus
oflight, and others have hair like living flame.
Immortal Nature. Angels don't require air, food,
dri nk, or s leep.

Angels of the Boros Legion view themselves as the
embodiments of what their creator intended. They are
fierce warriors devoted to justice and dedicated to pro-
tecting the weak against evil and oppression. They are
commanders, advisors, strategists, and soldiers. Their
presence in battle inspires the mortal soldiers of the le-
gion with righteous zeal.
Most Boros soldiers assume that angels a re paragons
of goodness, wisdom, and mercy. The reality is that an-
gels aren't immune to the temptations of corruption, and
the necessities of political machination can compromise
the best of them.
Warleaders. The wisest, most visionary angels are
responsible for forming and implementing the military
strategy of the Boros Legion. Since they are immortal,
their plans m ight span centuries, and they have been
known to accept decades of losses as a reasonable cost
for a more s ignificant victory many years later. These
warleaders have the statistics of planetars or solars (as
presented in the Monster Manual), but their appearance
is similar to other Boros angels.

Battleforce angels are the radiant hosts that soar into
combat, bathed in the light of Boros zeal. They lead
companies of mortal soldiers from above or fly ahead of
roe-mounted skyknights. They don't shy away from the
blood, pain, and confusion of combat; rather, they im-
merse themselves in the shifting tides of battle. Only by
wading into the battle can they fulfill their responsibility
to carry out the commands of the warleaders by adapt-
ing their tactics to the shifting situation on the ground.

Medium celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 1 2)
Speed 30 ft ., Ay 90 ft.

16 (+3)

12 (+1)

13 (+1)

Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +7

11 (+O)

Skills Investigation +3, Perce pt ion + 6
Damage Resistances fire , rad iant

17 (+3)

18 (+ 4)

Condition Immunities cha rmed , exhaustion, fr ightened
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 120 ft., p a ssive
Perceptio n 16
Languages all
Challenge 5 (1,8 00 XP)

Flyby. The angel doesn' t provoke an opportunity attack when it
Aies out of an enemy's reach.

Magic Resistance. The angel has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The angel makes two melee attacks. It a lso uses
Battlefield Inspiration.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: + 6 to hit, reach 5 ft., o n e tar-
get. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (ldlO + 3) slas hing
damage if used with two hands, p lus 18 (4d8) radiant damage.
If the target is wit hin 5 feet of any of the angel's allies, the tar-
get takes an extra 2 (1 d4) radiant damage.

Battlefield Inspiration. The angel chooses up to t hree crea-
tures it can see within 30 feet of it. Until the end of the angel's
next turn, each target can add a d4 to its attack rolls and sav-
ing throws.

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