Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


This section describes various nonplayer characters
that belong to each guild. These characters can serve
as enemies, rivals, allies, or contacts. In addition to the
NPCs presented here, you can customize the NPCs in
the Monster Manual and other sources to make them
feel like part of a particular guild.
Also included in this chapter a re statistics and de-
scriptions of the guildmasters of Ravnica. Without
exception, these are powerful creatures. In most cam-
paigns, the guild masters will come into play more often
in negotiations and other social settings than in combat.
Thus, each guildmaster's ideals, bonds, and flaws are
included. As a general rule, a guildmaster's personal
agenda is in line with the guild's goals described in
chapter 2, so the guild entries there provide additional
direction for roleplaying these individuals.
Several other named guild members are highlighted
in sidebars.

Soldiers are found in many of Ravnica's guilds. The sol-
dier stat block represents a typical member of the rank
and file, though weaponry and armor can vary.

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield)
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.

13 (+1)

12 (+1)

12 (+1)

Skills Perception +2, Athletics + 3
Senses passive Perceptio n 12

10 (+O)

11 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

11 (+O)

Formation Tactics. The soldier has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, frighte ned, grappled , or restrained
while it is within 5 feet of at least one ally.

Multiattack. The soldie r makes two melee attacks.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one tar-
get. Hit: 6 (ld 8 + 2) slashing damage, or 7 (ldlO + 2) slas hing
damage if used with two hands.

Lavinia, Steward of the Guildpact.

Arrester Lavinia, an Azorius arrester (use the veteran stat
block in the Monster Manual), is straightforward and stern.
To her, justice is a bird you have to catch, not a dog that
willingly walks toward its master. She worked alongside
)ace, the Living Guildpact, scheduling appointments and
relaying messages. The work was beneath her, but Lavin-
ia's allegiance was to the soul of her city. )ace's disappear-
ance worries her, but she has steadfastly refused to violate
the law of the land by stepping into his duties.

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A zoRrus NPCs

The Azorius Senate's activities focus on maintaining
public order. For example, the Lyev Column acts as the
police force for all ofRavnica. The Azorius NPCs table
summarizes key roles within this force. Statistics for
these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the
table states otherwise.

Azorius NPCs

Azorius soldier
Hussar (cavalry)

Magical support

Appropriate Stat Block
Knight or veteran
Soldier"' mounted on a warhorse or a
Lawmage* or precognitive mage*
*Appears in this chapter


lsperia is the current guild master of the Azorius Senate.
As a sphinx, she is aloof and values solitude above all.
However, she has been forced to give up her privacy to
deal with the increased crime and chaos on Ravnica.
Isperia is devoted to her guild's belief that law is the
ultimate bulwark against chaos, and it is her steady
hand that guides the Azorius through these uncertain
times. As guildmaster, lsperia serves as the supreme
judge, a role that takes advantage of her encyclopedic
knowledge of Ravnica's labyrinthine legal system.

If an encounter turns violent, lsperia refrains

from using lethal force if possible, preferring to sub-
due a wrongdoing so that the legal system can mete
out justice.

Ideal: "The law provides direction for every arena of life;
it is the only compass 1 need.''
Bond: "I can't stand by and watch disorder spread
through the city. Without the Azorius, Ravnica
would collapse. In the absence of order, we must es-
tablish it."
Flaw: "If Ravnica didn't need me, I would prefer to live a
life of solitude and contemplation."

The Azorius Senate has spellcasters who are trained to
capture lawbreakers and bring them to justice. A law-
mage's magic is focused on restraining criminals and on
protecting bystanders from becoming casualties when
arresters are pursuing malefactors. A significant propor-
tion of the guild's vedalken are lawmages.


Precognitive mages, a rarity among Azorius spellcast-
ers, are capable of capturing glimpses of the future.
They are typically employed to anticipate the actions of
wanted criminals. thus aiding in their capture.
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