Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
dlO Contact
S A lesser Gruul chieftain seems to think I could be
6 The black sheep of my family is putting their maniacal
genius to use in the lzzet.
7 I'm friends with an Orzhov advokist; we compare
notes on different forms of law magic.
8 I was ridiculed once in a Rakdos performance; the
performer was impressed with my good humor about
it and now does me occasional favors.
9 I have a fanatical Selesnya cousin who keeps trying to
recruit me and everyone else in the family.
10 While growing up, I was bullied by a brat who's now a
hybrid in the Simic Combine.

How Do I FIT IN?
As a member of the Azorius Senate, you are probably
engaged in the work of law enforcement (even if your
background involved the legislative or judicial aspects
of the senate's activities). Legislative aides and judges'
clerks find little reason to venture beyond the Azo-
rius guildhalls. but soldiers and lawmages patrol the
streets daily.
An Azorius soldier or lawmage is a force for order,
charged with fighting crime on the streets-and in the
hal Is of power. You might spend your time foiling thefts,
putting a stop to Orzhov extortion, rooting out Dimir
spies, or hunting down Golgari assassins. Perhaps you
take your orders from a precognitive mage (or you are
one yourself) who receives unpredictable and cryptic
visions of future crimes that you and your allies must try
to prevent.

An adventuring party made up entirely of Azorius mem-
bers could be a specialized team dedicated to law en-
forcement. A soldier (a fighter or paladin) and a lawmage
(wizard) would form the core of the party, supported
by a precognitive mage (cleric) who helps direct their
missions. An elocutor (bard) could round out the party,
serving as the group's negotiator and spokesperson.


By gaining renown as a member of the Azorius Senate,
you can advance within the guild. Promotion through
the ranks requires the approval of a superior officer.
Advancement is a reward for services rendered to the
guild, rather than an automatic consequence of in-
creased renown.

Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Azorius Senate
Your specific title depends on your role in the guild:

  • If you are a Jawmage or a precognitive mage, you
    assume the title of justiciar.
    If you are an arrester. you become an officer.
    If you are a bureaucrat (including an elocutor). you
    become a scribe.

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Three Capitals

The heads of the three columns of the Azorius Senate are
called arbiters or capitals.
The arbiter of the Sova Column (the judiciary) is Leonos
II, a wise and kind human judge and lawmage who takes
pains to consider all perspectives before issuing a judg·
ment-even the perspectives of the spirits of the dead,
with whom he can communicate. He is patient and utterly
loyal to the guild.
The )elenn Column (the legislature) is led by a vedalken
lawmage named Uzana, renowned for a nearly perfect
memory. She has memorized every statute of Azorius law,
and much of her speech is quotations from those statutes.
The hussar commander Agmand Sarvis the arbiter of
the Lyev Column, the senate's law enforcement branch.
Despite the fact that he has never been in combat, he has
earned a reputation as a brilliant military strategist. His
tactical genius is unquestioned, but his lack of battle expe-
rience did cause some controversy among the soldiers and
lawmages of the Lyev Column when he was appointed to
be its head.

As an Azorius official. you can call on recruits (use
the soldie r stat block in chapter 6) to perform mundane
tasks and errands for you, but they will not accompany
you into dangerous circumstances.
No Azorius official lives in poverty. Between adven·
tures, you earn a salary that supports you at a modest

Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the
Azorius Senate
Your new title depends on your previous role as an offi-
cial in the Azorius Senate:

• If you are a justiciar, you become a deputy with a

specific title. such as Deputy of Acquittals. Deputy of
Indictment, Deputy of Deposition. Deputy of Arraign-
ment, or Deputy of Arbitration.

  • If you are an officer, you become an imperator.

If you are a scribe, you become an emissary.

You are recognized as an authority in your field. You
gain an Azorius charm (described in chapter 5) at the
start of each mission you undertake on the guild's be-
half. At the start of any such mission, you can secure
the assistance of a squad of ld4 arresters (use the sol-
dier stat block in chapter 6) plus one lawm a ge (also in
chapter 6). These individuals remain with you until the
mission ends.
Between adventures, you earn enough money pur·
suing your duties to support yourself at a comfortable

Prerequisite: Rank^2 and renown^25 or higher in the
Azorius Senate
Your new title depends on your broader interests as they
relate to one of the three columns of the Azorius Senate,
not on the titles you bore as an official and an authority:

  • If your interests lie in law enforcement, you become
    a minister within the Lyev Column. You receive a

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