Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
specific title, such as Minister of Impediments or Min-
ister of Fallacies.

  • If your interests concern the judiciary, you become a
    judge within the Sova Column.

  • If you want a position on the legislative body of the
    jelenn Column, you become a senator.
    Regardless of your specific title, you can secure the
    aid of up to 3d4 soldiers and one or two lawmages (see
    c hapter 6 for these stat blocks) whenever you set out on
    a guild-approved mission.
    Between adventures, your responsibilities to the
    guild-including supervising arresters, judging legal
    cases, or w riting laws-earns you enough money to sup-
    port yourself at a wealthy lifestyle.

Prerequis ite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the
Azorius Senate

As an a rbite r (or capital), you serve as the head of your
column. Only Isperia, the Supreme judge, can appoint

you to this position, and only if one of the three existing
arbiters leaves her service.
As an arbiter, all the resources of your column are at
your disposal, and you have the ear of lsperia as a mem-
ber of her advisory Triu mvirate. You also keep the salary
you earned as a minister, judge, or senator, sustaining a
wealthy lifestyle between adventures.


As far as the Azorius a re concerned, every other guild
in Ravnica is hastening along the road to anarchy. Even
other guilds that are inclined toward order (such as the
Boros, Orzhov, and Selesnya) are ignoring or exploit-
ing t he law.
You participate in missions to thwart the criminals of
other guilds, from overzealous Boros vigilantes to insid-
ious Golgari assassins. Dimir spies, Orzhov extortion-
ists, and bloodthirsty Rakdos performers keep Azor ius
peacekeepers busy enough, without the added compli-
cations of reckless Izzet and Simic experiments putting
the citizenry in danger.
Of course, whenever the members of another guild
decide to operate within the law, they are potential allies
for the Azorius. Even some members of the Cult of Rak-
dos can be pragmatic enough to stifle their impulses for
a time in order to join forces against a common enemy.

Because of its authorit arian, overreaching grasp, the
Azorius Senate's relationships with other guilds are rarely
positive. Azorius members tend to view members of other
guilds as dangerous threats to order, while other guild
members see the Azorius as rigid and tyrannical.
Boros. "Their vigilantism is tremendously dangerous with-
out a hand to control it."
Dimir. "A perennial thorn in our side. Though they were
once our greatest fo es, not even the masters of espio-
nage can hide from our wat chful eyes."
Golgari. "Their underground structures break numerous
building regulations, but at least they fulfill their duties
as garbage collectors."
Gruul. "The Gruul are dangerous anarchists with no inter-
est in furthering the development of civilization. They
serve no useful purpose."
lzzet. "Eccentric and occasionally explosive, but generally
harmless, for now. In their paranoia they have enlarged
their weapon stockpiles, but they lack the clarity of vision
to put them to use."
Orzhov. " Their brazen exploitation of our laws will be their
downfall. They are an insidious threat that could tear
society apart from the inside."
Rakdos. "An absolute blight on Ravnica. They are clowns
who know nothing of culture and exist only to torment
the functioning m em bers of society."
Selesnya. " The Conclave plays by the rules and keeps to
itself. Until its members become too numerous, they are
of l ittle threat to us."
Simic. " The Simic experiment with matters that disobey
the laws of nature and the laws of Ravnica. We must not
let them gain influence."

CH \l''I f R 2 GUii ns OF RA\ Nl('A :n
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