- Index of Stat Blocks 4 Orzhov Syndicate^71 Rakdos Riteknife
- Welcome to Ravnica^6 Orzhov Characters^72 Skyblinder Staff
- City of Guilds
- History of Ravnica
- The Guildpact
- A Precarious Peace
- Representative Background: Orzhov
- Orzhov Guild Spells
- Cult of Rakdos
- Spies' Murmur
- Sunforger
- Sword of the Paruns
- Voyager Staff
- Life in the Big City
- Curr ency: Zibs and Zinos
- Comforts of Civilization
- Languages
- Choosing a Guild Chapter 1: Character Creation 1 I
- Races
- Human
- Elf.
- Centaur
- Goblin
- Loxodon
- Rakdos Characters
- Background: Rakdos Cultist
- Rakdos Guild Spells
- Selesnya Conclave
- Selesnya Characters
- Background: Selesnya lnitiate
- Selesnya Guild Spells
- Simic Combine
- Simic Characters
- Background: Simic Scientist
- Simic Guild Spells
- Chapter 3: The Tenth District
- Chapter 6: Friends and Foes
- Creatures by Guild
- Bestiary
- Stat Blocks by Creature Type
- NPCs by Guild
- Azorius NPCs
- Boros NPCs
- Dimir NPCs
- Golgari NPCs
- Golgari Lairs
- Gruul NPCs
- Izzet NPCs
- Minotaur^18 The Six Precincts^99 Orzhov NPCs
- Simic Hybrid
- Vedalken
- Major Trade Ways
- Beneath the Streets
- Rakdos NPCs
- Rakdos Carnival
- Beneath the Streets
- Major Trade Ways
- Classes by Guild
- Subclass Options
- Cleric: Order Domain
- Precinct One
- Precinct Two
- Precinct Three
- Selesnya NPCs
- Simic PCs
- Druid: Circle of Spores Sidebars
- Precinct One
- Cleric: Order Domain
- Chapter 2: Guilds ofRavnica
- Guild Membership
- Guild Spells
- Bonds and Contacts
- Precinct Four
- Precinct Five
- Precinct Six
- Chapter 4: Creating Adventures
- Guild-Based Advcntures
- Random Guilds
- Ravnica's Calendar
- Guild Insignia
- Don't Stack Rule Tip: AC Calculations
- Renown
- Bonds and Contacts
- Styles of Member ship
- Changing Guilds
- Azorius Senate
- Choosing a Guild
- Involving the Characters
- Complications
- Azorius Senate
- Don't Stack Rule Tip: Temporary Hit Points
- The Guild less
- Three Capitals
- Azorius Characters 33 Boros Legion^132 A Proud Martial Tradition
- Background: Azorius Functionary
- Azorius Guild Spells
- Choosing a Guild
- Boros L egion
- Boros Characters
- Background: Boros Legionnaire
- Boros Guild Spells
- House Dimir
- Dimir Characters
- House Dimir
- Golgari Swarm
- Gruul Clans
- lzzet League
- Orzhov Syndicate
- Cult of Rakdos
- Selesnya Conclave
- Simic Combine
- Tajic, Blade of the Legion
- Dark Elves of the Golgari
- I tching for a Fight
- In the Name of Magical Science!..
- Millennial Platform
- Random Nonplayer Characters
- Safe House Wards
- Guildless Villains
- Tajic, Blade of the Legion
- Simic Combine
- Background: Dimir Operative
- Dimir Guild Spells
- Spell: Encode Thoughts
- Dimir Characters
- Boros Characters
- Golgari Swarm
- Golgari Characters
- Background: Golgari Agent
- Golgari Guild Spells
- Golgari Characters
- Gruul Clans
- Gruul Characters
- Background: Gruul Anarch
- Gruul Guild Spells
- l zzet League
- lzzet Characters
- Krenko's Way
- Chapter S: Treasures
- Coins in Treasure
- Guild Charms
- Magic Items
- Guilds and Magic ltems
- Guild Keyr une
- Guild Signet
- lllusionist's Bracers
- Mizzium Apparatus
- Mizzium Armor
- Mizzium Mortar
- Moodmark Paint
- Mizzium
- Firemane Nevena
- Debts Paid
- Storrev
- Winged Felidars
- Orzhov Spirits
- Winged Kraut Warriors
- Ludmilla, the Tunnel Viper
- Lavinia, Steward of the Guildpact.
- Geetra
- faoni, Devkarin Matka
- Nikya of the Old Ways
- Master Chemister Grozgrox
- Moodmark Paint
- Krenko's Way
- Background: lzzet Engineer
- lzzet Guild Spells
- Spell: Chaos Bolt
- Pariah's Shield
- Peregrine M ask
- Pyroconverger
- Mizzix of the l zmagnus
- Teysa Karlov
- Judith. the Scourge Diva
- Emmara Tandris
- Pariah's Shield
- lzzet Characters
- Anarch 239 Hybrid Shocker 218 Rakdos INDEX OF STAT BLOCKS - MONSTERS AND NPCs
- Archon of the Triumvirate^192 Hybrid Spy^218 Rakdos Lampooner
- Arclight Phoenix^193 Indentured Spirit...^206 Rakdos Performer
- Aurelia 230 lsperia 227 Reckoner
- Battleforce Angel 189 Jarad Vod Savo 235 Rubblebelt Stalker
- Biomancer 256 Kraut Death Priest 214 Scorchbringer Guard
- Blistercoil Weird 207 Kraut Warrior^213 Servitor Thrull
- Blood Drinker Vampire 223 Krenko^168 Shadow Horror
- Blood Witch 248 Lawmage^228 Sire of lnsanity
- Blood fray Giant^200 Lazav^232 Skittering Horror
- Borborygmos 238 Loading Rig^170 Skyjek Roc
- Cackler 195 Master of Cruelties 196 Skyswimmer
- Category 1 Krasis 210 Mind Drinker Vampire 224 Soldier
- Category 2 Krasis 211 Mind Mage 233 Sunder Shaman
- Category 3 Krasis 212 Nightveil Specter 215 Thought Spy
- ConclaveDryad 194 Ni v-Mizzet.^241 Troslani
- Cosmotronic Blaslseeker 242 Nivix Cyctops^216 Undercily Medusa
- Counterflux B lastseeker 242 Obzedat Ghost^245 W inged Thrul l
- Deathpact Angel 191 Orzhov Giant 202 Wurm
- Devkarin Lich^198 Precognitive Mage^228 Zegana
- Druid of the Old Ways
- Felidar
- Firefist
- Firemane Angel
- Flux Blastseeker
- Fluxcharger
- Flying Horror
- Frontline Medic
- Galvanic Blastseeker
- Galvanice Weird
- Gloamwing
- Goblin Gang Member
- Golgari Shaman
- Guardian Giant
- Horncaller
- Hybrid Brute
- Hybrid Flier
- Hybrid Poisoner
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)