Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
other unsavory aspects of nature, and it uses the power
of nature actively toward the goal of advancing its own
place in th e world. But the Golgari have also learned
patience from nature; they are content to work from the
shadows, harnessing the energy that comes from decay
while the civilization of Ravnica slowly erodes and de-
stroys itself.
The teeming hordes of the Golgari Swarm believe it
is finally their time to s hine. They have dwelled under
the streets and under the s way of the other guilds for too
long. They are convinced that Ravnica's institutions are
now on the verge of collapse and that the absence of the
Living Guildpact proves it. However, the Golgari are nei-
ther surprised nor panicked by this, for they believe that
all things eve ntually rot and die, and from this decay,
new life blooms. As s uch, the Golgari see the looming
interguild conflict as a necessary final push to bring
about a new era- their era.
The Golgari are preparing for upheaval. They have
sealed many of the passages leading in to the underc ity,
making their territory seem like an impregnable subter-
ranean fortress. Within it, the Golgari domain retains
its grandeur, a mysterious and wondrous kingdom. The
rare visitors who stumble into it are awed by its beauty
and its aura of ancient power. Palatial architecture fills
cavernous sewer chambers, and luminescent spores
float through th e air to shed a n otherworldJy light on the
moss-covered masonry. Ente ring Golgari territory feels
like stepping into a secret world of dangerous beauty.

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Golgari Characters

Alignment: Usually neutral, often evil
Suggested Races: Human, e lf (dark)
Suggested Classes: Druid, fighter, ranger, rogue. wizard
The Golgari Swarm might s uit your character if one or
more of th e following statements are true:

  • You're drawn to the darker side of nature or the
    greener side of necromancy.

  • You are drawn to sinister, creepy, or grim characters.
    You like elves and druids but want to explore an
    unus ual direction.


Similar to a swarm of insects, th e Golgari collectively
behave more like a single organism than a scattering of
individuals. New members aren't recruited or initiated
into the Golgari Swarm; you have been absorbed and
incorporated, and the biological system of the swarm
funneled you to where your talents are most needed
to contribute to th e health of the guild. Your position
within the guild is defined by your capabilities.
You might act as a shaman of the Golgari if you are a
spellcaster- perhaps a wizard s pecialized in the School
of Necromancy, a druid of the Circle of the Land, or a
druid of the Circle of Spores (described in chapter 1). In
this revered position, you teach and advise other mem-
bers of the swarm, keeping them attuned to the natural
cycle of death and regrowth. You might manipulate that
natural cycle by wielding the magic of death, snuffing
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