Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The Izzet League is organized into units designated as
laboratories that specialize in certain fields of research.
Though they all operate under the general guidance of
the lzmundi, each laboratory is typically left alone to
conduct its research. New fields of study emerge all the
time, but the more established laboratories-each pop-
ulated by hundreds of mages and their attendants-in-
clude the following:

The Laboratory of Pyrology has a prominent facility in
the guildhall, Nivix. Its emphasis is on heat, fire, and
The Laboratory of Storms and Electricity focuses on
controlling the weather as well as containing and con-
ducting electrical energy. Its headquarters is in a spire
atop Nivix, known as the Lightning Rod.
Research into smelting and forging, most often using
the magical metal known as mizzium, is conducted at
the Laboratory of Metallurgy, which bas a small out-
post in the Tenth District's Smelting Quarter.
The magical science of transmuting one substance to
another is the study of the Laboratory of Alchemy.
The Laboratory of Orientation, concerned with telepor-
tation and spatial recombination, has multiple work-
shops that seem to appear and disappear at random.
The Laboratory ofMimeography studies means of
The Laboratory of Continuism emphasizes the study of
temporal manipulation.
Research into counter-magic and redirection takes
place in the Laboratory of Arcane Geometry, which
has a small presence in Prism University in the
Tenth District.

The Laboratory of Gravitationa l Inversion conducts
research on means of flight and maintains a workshop
near Augustin Station in the Tenth District.
The Laboratory of Plasma-Dermatology places em-
phasis on the combining of opposing elements, with
the purpose of creating creatures called weirds.
Izzet laboratories function in a constant state of high
e nergy that propels researchers from one experiment
to the next. Some grand-scale experiments draw on the
resources of an entire laboratory, while others are a lone
visionary's labor of love.


The lzzet League thirsts for knowledge, cherishes intel-
lect. and speculates about the secrets of the multiverse.
It brings to its scientific pursuits a flaming passion that
turns its search for knowledge into an insatiable hunger,
makes its cold intellect brilliantly fruitful, and widens
its speculation into a search for connections between
wildly disparate objects or concepts. It is manic in its ex-
pressions of creative energy, shifting from careful anal-
ysis to intuitive leap seemingly for no reason, always
thinking outside the proverbial box. As the Izzet see it ,
unpredictable action, far from being antithetical to me-
thodical research, has experimental value. In the words
of one researcher, "The only action worth taking is one
with an unknown outcome."
As Ravnica descends into increasing turmoil, the
lzzet have further intensified their frenetic research,
though now their efforts are mainly directed toward one

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