Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

A party made up entirely of l zze t members m ight be
a mage (wizard or sorcerer) accompanied by guards
(fighters) and attendants (any class). The structure of the
guild generally assumes that the mage is in charge of
steering the group, but it's possible for any of the other
characters to be the true brains of the operation. This
party lacks healing ability, but alchemist-crafted healing
potions can help sustain the party in the absence of a
dedicated healer.


Renown within the lzzet League brings with it more
responsibility in your chosen field of study, as well as an
increasing ability to choose the activities that interest
you. This greater responsibility and inde pendence is
reflected in a progression of ranks, from that of a mere
attendant to a coveted position on the Izmagnus.

Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the lzzet League,
Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature

When you have advanced the guild's interests and s ur-
vived a few magical experiments, you graduate into a
position where you can conduct experiments yourself.
Only a spellcaster can craft a nd operate the laboratory
equipme nt involved in lzzet experiments.
As a researcher, you can request equipme nt for use in
your experime nts and during adventures. You can se-
c ure the aid of ld4 barely competent attendants to assist
you. Your attendants use the commone r stat block in
th e Monster Manual.

Whe n you achieve this rank, you can help create your
own mizzium apparatus (described in chapter 5). To
do so, you must spend 10 days of downtime in an Jzzet
workshop, assisting a more experienced researc her in
the construction of the device. The apparatus is given
to you at the end of this time. If your apparatus is lost or
destroyed, you can create a replacement by spending^50
gp and another 10 days of downtime.

Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Izzet League
Scorchbringers are soldiers assigned to protect lzzet
laboratories. As a scorchbringer, you are given a pyro-
converger (described in chapter 5) and are expected to
use it in the defense of l zzet property. If your pyrocon-
verger is lost or destroyed, you can get a replacement
for 50 gp.

Prerequisite: Renown 10 or higher in the Izzet League
Whether you're an accomplis hed researcher, a commit-
ted soldier, or even a ded icated (and s killed) attendant,
you are eligible for promotion to a supe rvisor position.
As a supe rvisor, you oversee your former peers. Your
role is primarily to translate the instructions of the di-
rector above you into concrete tasks that the people who
report to you can accomplish.

If your director sends you on a mission outside the lab-

oratory, you receive an Izzet charm (described in chapter
5) at the start of that mission.
As a supervisor, you earn a salary s ufficient to main-
ta in a modest lifestyle.

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