Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


d6 Flaw
I'm terrified of getting into a fight where my side is
2 I assume that people mean well until they prove
3 I enjoy comfort and quiet, and prefer to avoid extra
4 I have a fierce temper that doesn't reflect the inner
calm I seek.
S I'm convinced that everyone else in the conclave has
a deeper connection to the Worldsoul than I do.
6 I'm trying to atone for the life of crime I led before I
joined the Selesnya, but I find it hard to give up my
bad habits.

The Selesnya Conclave is all about connections, so its
members cultivate contacts throughout the guild. The
guild also engages in energetic recruitment to draw con-
verts from other guilds, and often these new guild mem-
bers maintain friendships with former guild mates.
Roll twice on the Selesnya Contacts table (for an
ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Selesnya Con-
tacts table.

d8 Contact
A wise centaur trainer believed in me even though I
was a terrible student.
2 A good friend has risen to become a Ledev guardian.
3 I left my former guild and joined the Selesnya along
with a close friend.
4 The dryad at the head of my enclave has taken an
interest in my activities.

d8 Contact
5 A sibling is an instructor at the guild's training
6 One of my parents is a votary, tasked with protecting
the temple gardens at the Vitu-Ghazi guildhall.
7 I had a romance with a well-known Selesnya healer.
8 Trostani, the head of the guild and the voice of
Mat'Selesnya, once welcomed me into her presence.

dl O Contact
I left the Azorius, and a former colleague still resents
me for that act.
2 A good friend, eager for action, left the Selesnya and
joined the Boros.
3 I had a relationship with a guild mate who tu rned out
to be a Dimir agent.
4 I know a disgruntled Golgari assassin who is ripe for
S I'm friendly with a Gruul centaur who almost joined
us a few years back.
6 I once had a heated public argument with an lzzet
chemister, and neither of us is allowed back into that
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