Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1


Arcane Talent. If you're not going to play a magic-using
class, consider creating a high elf or a human with the
Magic Initiate fe at. Whether you favor damage-dealing
cantrips or more utilitarian ones, every Aundairian
should know a little magic.
Magic Beats Mundane. Why use your hand when you
could use mage hand? Why strain your muscles tug­
ging on a bowstring when you could use a wand?
Show Some Style. Don't settle for common clothes and
a squalid meal when you could wear glamerweave
(see chapter 5) and drink the finest wine. If you're a
fighter, focus on finesse instead of crude strength. And
never miss an opportunity for a clever quip.

Aundair intersperses pastoral farmlands between
densely populated cities.

This farming village on Lake Galifar provides food for
the nearby floating towers of wizardry that serve as
home to Aundair's Arcane Congress-a cutting-edge
research facility and the finest school of magic in Khor­
vaire. The members of the congress oversee the magical
research conducted in these towers, advise Aundair's
queen on all things magical, and confer with colleagues
visiting from other nations.
Apprentices come from all over Khorvaire to train at
Arcanix. If you're a wizard, sage, or artificer, you might
have learned your craft here.

The capital of Aundair is one of the most beautiful
cities in Eberron. Stunning displays of magical light
and other arcane wonders enhance the exquisite archi­
tecture. This is the seat of the University of Wynarn, a
prestigious institution that draws students from across


Khorvaire. As a noble, entertainer, or sage, you might
have your roots in the City of Lights.

Located on the shores of Lake Gali far, the city of
Passage is the heart of the dragonmarked House Orien.
Resources include production and maintenance facili­
ties for the lightning rail and the Orien caravans. If you
have the Mark of Passage, odds are good you've spent
time here.

This island city is the seat of House Lyrandar, and
Queen Aurala allows the house a free rein in govern­
ing the isle. It is the finest resort and vacation spot in
Khorvaire. Spies, charlatans, sailors, and house agents
all have a place in Stormhome. Even though the island
escaped the devastation wrought during the Last War, it
remains a hotbed for clandestine activities.
Lyrandar wizards use magic to continuously alter
Stormhome's weather, turning the otherwise bleak and
storm-blasted location into a temperate island getaway.

Aundair and Thrane were bitter rivals during the Last
War. Thrane seized the ancient city of Thaliost during
the war and holds it to this day. Most of the people of
Aundair remain furious about the occupation of Thali­
ost, but the city has become a haven for Aundairians
who revere the Silver Flame.
The Eldeen Reaches seceded from Aundair halfway
through the Last War. The western farmers rebelled
over high taxes and neglect, allying with the druids of
the Towering Wood. Aundair was forced to accept the
sovereignty of the Reaches under the terms of the Treaty
of Thronehold, but many Aundairians view it as a rene­
gade nation.
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