Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1


The Five Nations were built on a magical foundation. To
them, magic is a form of science, which can be studied
and taught. Nevertheless, few people possess the skill
required to become a wizard or an artificer, and high­
level magic remains rare. Resurrection and teleporta­
tion aren't part of everyday life,. but citizens harness
lesser effects and use them for the common good.
Artisans called magewrights provide much of this
magic. Compared to a wizard or an artificer, a mage­
wright's knowledge of magic is narrow: a locksmith
might master the arcane lock and knock spells to
supplement the use of physical tools; a magewright
healer could cast lesser restoration and cure wounds in
addition to using healer's kits and the Medicine skill. A
magewright's casting is also slow and expensive: they
typically cast their spells as rituals. They are artisans,
not adventurers, and the prosperity of the Five Nations
was built on their foundation.
Game statistics are given for magewrights in chapter
6, including how much it costs them to cast a spell of 1st
level or higher. In chapter 2, prices are given for mage­
wright services in the city of Sharn, but those prices can
be used elsewhere in the world as well.

Powerful dynastic guilds dominate and regulate the
magical economy. The dragonmarked houses include
barons of industry whose influence rivals that of mon­
archs. Their power derives from their dragonmarks:
magical sigils passed down through their bloodlines.
For example, HouseJorasco dominates the medical
trade with its Mark of Healing, while only someone with
House Lyrandar's Mark of Storms can pilot an airship.
Even independent businesses are typically licensed by
a house and conform to the standards it sets. Not every
tavern is run by House Ghallanda, but the Ghallanda
seal in the corner of an inn sign assures customers that
the establishment meets health and safety standards.
Chapter 1 contains more details about dragonmarks
and the dragonmarked houses, along with rules for cre­
ating dragonmarked characters.

The Courier's Guild of House Orien operates a mail ser­
vice, carrying messages and packages across Khorvaire
by horse and the house's lightning rail. Sending a letter
by mail is inexpensive; sending a package or a message
by way of a courier is more secure but more expensive.
If security is particularly important, House Sivis can
protect written messages using magic, such as the illu­
sory script spell, and House Kundarak can secure pack­
ages with the glyph of warding spell.
The gnomes of House Sivis also maintain a network
of speaking stones (described in chapter 5) to facilitate
instantaneous communication across long distances.
Short messages pass from one stone to another one
within a network of message stations.
The Communication and Security Services table
shows typical prices.


Arcane lock (House Kundarak)
Courier service (House Orien)
Glyph of warding (House Kundarak)
Illusory script (House Sivis)
Mail service (House Orien)
Message station (House Sivis)
Translation (House Sivis)


20 gp
1 sp per mile
350 gp
15 gp
1 cp per mile
2 sp per word
2 cp per word

In the cities of Khorvaire, magic provides a host of
minor conveniences. Everbright lanterns (described in
chapter 5) light the streets. A chef heats a pot of stew
with a whispered incantation, while magic amplifies
a town crier's voice. The various effects produced by
prestidigitation-heating, cooling, cleaning, and minor
illusion-all enhance daily life in the cities.

Theaters employ cantrips to amplify sound and focus
lighting. Grander performances incorporate illusions,
creating special effects to thrill audiences, and other
spells allow actors to perform amazing stunts. Dream
parlors focus on entirely illusory entertainment.
Those with the inclination to display their wealth wear
glamerweave, clothing imbued with illusion (presented
in chapter 5). This can involve moving images, such as a
cloak lined with glittering stars or a gown with a pattern
of flames; the wearer might even adjust the intensity of
these flames with a word. Expensive glamerweave can
produce more elaborate effects, such as a gown that
appears to be made of blooming flowers. Glamerweave
can also create abstract effects that slowly shift colors or
shimmer with a subtle glow.

The dragonmarked HouseJorasco maintains houses of
healing across Khorvaire. The simplest service is the
expert application of the Medicine skill. For those with
desperate need and gold to pay, mostJorasco outposts
can provide lesser restoration; the best healers can also
provide greater restoration. In the finestJorasco en­
claves, it's even possible to raise the dead.
The Healing Services table summarizes typical prices
for the services provided by HouseJorasco.

Minor nonmagical care
Major nonmagical care
Cure wounds
Lesser restoration
Remove curse
Greater restoration
Raise dead

3 sp per use of the Medicine skill
1 gp per day
25 gp per level of the spell
so gp
75 gp
150 gp
750 gp
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