Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

Capital: The Great Crag
Hallmarks: Byeshk ore, monstrous mercenaries
Droaam is a nation of monsters ruled by the Daughters
of Sora Kell. Each of these three hags is a legend in her
own right, the subjects of tales used to frighten children.
Eleven years ago, they seized the lands west of the Gray­
wall Mountains and founded the nation of Droaam.
Although Breland laid claim to these barren lands,
Galifar had never tamed this wild region. Gnolls, ores,
and goblins commonly sought haven here, as well as
ogres, trolls, harpies, minotaurs, medusas, tieflings,
changelings, lycanthropes, and other races unwelcome
in civilized lands. In the past, these creatures fought one
another more often than they raided human settlements.
Under the leadership of the Daughters of Sora Kell, they
have new purpose. The Daughters use an army of ogres
and war trolls to maintain order.
To date, the other nations of Khorvaire have refused
to recognize Droaam, and the region was not acknowl­
edged in the Treaty of Thronehold. Most people believe
that the monstrous nation can't last-that even the
Daughters can't hold the disparate alliance together­
but Droaam is currently thriving and stronger than ever.
Droaam works closely with House Tharashk, selling
the services of monstrous soldiers and laborers and
byeshk ore, a form of metal with magical properties.
Beyond that, it's a still-expanding frontier nation. The
cities of Graywall and Great Crag grow larger and more
organized every day, and the rest of Khorvaire is uneasy
with the potential power of a fully realized Droaam.
The monsters that inhabit Droaam retain their racial
subcultures. Most worship the Dark Six, but other reli­
gious traditions flourish as well.


  • Droaam uses the supernatural abilities of its citizens
    as tools, just as other nations of Khorvaire use magic.
    The Daughters of Sora Kell keep their people fed with
    troll sausage and use harpy's song to quell brawls.
    When dealing with monsters in Droaam, consider the
    practical applications of their abilities.

  • When the Church of the Silver Flame purged lycan­
    thropy from the Five Nations, a number of lycan­
    thropes escaped into the region that later become
    Droaam. The Dark Pack alliance of lycanthropes,
    worgs, and other supernatural predators hunts south­
    ern Droaam.

Minotaurs, ores, gnolls, tieflings, changelings, and other
monstrous species all have a place in Droaam. Consider
these questions when making a Droaamite character:

What Makes You Different? The people of Droaam
aren't just humans with horns or green skin. Think
about the unique aspects of your people and what
makes you different from humanity, both physically
and culturally.


What Are Your Ambitions? Citizens of Droaam are
proud of their nation. You know that the rest of Khor­
vaire considers you a monster. Do you intend to prove
that you and your kind are capable of deeds humanity
can't imagine? Or are you driven solely by your per­
sonal desires, or the goals of your family or warlord?
How Does Your Background Shape You? The diverse
creatures of Droaam could include a kobold city-savvy
rogue urchin, an ore outlander barbarian with little
knowledge of the outside world, or a tiefling warlock
sage versed in Arcana and History.

In the past, particular creatures dominated the commu­
nities of Droaam. The harpy flights lived in mountain
peaks, while the medusas remained isolated in the cita­
del of Cazhaak Draa!. Under the rule of the Daughters of
Sora Kell, the Droaamites are creating cities where all
manner of creatures live and work together.

Known as the Gateway to Droaam, this city sits on the
border to Breland. Though dominated by monsters
and ruled by a mind flayer, Graywall is both a center
for trade and a haven for deserters and fugitives. The
dragonmarked houses maintain outposts in Graywall,
and House Tharashk governs the Calabas, the foreign
quarter inhabited by humans and other people from
elsewhere in Khorvaire.

Built atop ancient goblin ruins, the Crag is the seat of
the Daughters of Sora Kell. Few outsiders have seen
this thriving city of monsters. Of the dragonmarked
houses, only House Tharashk has a presence in the city.

This hidden city is ruled by families of tiefling warlocks
who wield powerful magic and craft dark wonders. If
you're playing a tiefling or a warlock, you could have ties
to the Venomous Demesne.

Droaam is barely a decade old. The treaty nations refuse
to acknowledge its sovereignty; according to the terms
of the Treaty of Thronehold, it's a rebellious territory
of Breland. As a renegade nation, it is a haven for war
criminals and deserters, as well as brigands and mages
pursuing forbidden paths of magic. The monsters of
Droaam have no particular love for these bandits and
fugitives, and outlanders have to watch their step.
Tensions remain high on the border with Breland, re­
sulting in constant skirmishes and raids. Deeper within
the nation, the Daughters of Sora Kell build their power.
Graywall and the Great Crag are constantly expanding,
with goblins and ogres laboring through the night. War­
lords drill their troops, forcing all manner of monsters
to work together. A predatory aspect permeates life in
Droaam but also a sense of excitement, the belief that
the Daughters will lead Droaam to greatness. For centu­
ries the people of Droaam have hidden in the shadows;
now they stand in the light, and they are proud.
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