Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

Capital: Korth
Hallmarks: Ale, dairy, glass, livestock, lumber, martial
discipline, paper, textiles, undead
In a nation of storms and long winters, the grim and
stoic Karrns are accustomed to enduring hardship with­
out complaint.
First and foremost, Karrnath is known for its military
tradition. Strength, strategy, and discipline are the core
values of Karrnath. Karrnath's soldiers might be the
finest in Khorvaire, but they lack the magical support
of Aundair or Thrane, which evened the odds during
the Last War. Nonetheless, Karrns are proud of their
martial history, and most are convinced that they would
have eventually won the Last War.
Karrnath suffered a series of severe food shortages
and plagues early in the Last War. As a result, the king
embraced the Blood of Vol as the national religion. The
priests of this faith bolstered Karrnath's forces with un­
dead. The current king, Kaius ir'Wynarn III, broke ties
with the Blood of Vol and has stopped creating new un­
dead, but Karrnath still has a significant number of skel­
etons and zombies in service. Many Karrns still believe
in the Blood of Vol and approve of the use of undead, but
just as many feel that this practice disgraces Karrnath's
proud military history and that the necromancers might
have been responsible for the famines and plagues.



Rekkenmark Academy is the premier military insti­
tute in Khorvaire; prior to the Last War, all of Galifar's
officers trained at Rekkenmark.
The Sovereign Host has regained its place as the
dominant religion of Karrnath, but the Blood of Vol
retains a strong following. Communities that practice
the faith still use skeletons and zombies as guards
or laborers.

  • The laws of Karrnath are harsher than those in other
    treaty nations, approaching a state of martial law.


Karrns are somber folk and disapprove of extravagance
or excessive shows of emotion. As you develop a Karr­
nathi character or NPC, consider the following:

Military Service. Karrns have a strong tradition of
military service, making soldier or sailor appropriate
backgrounds for any character. Criminals and char­
latans have a difficult time evading the harsh laws of
Karrnath. The Martial Adept fe at can give a character
a strong sense of military experience.
Martial Tradition. Karrnathi tradition emphasizes
teamwork, focus, and force, and melee warriors
prefer heavy armor and weapons. Fighters favor the
Champion and Battle Master martial archetypes, and
Karrnathi wizards choose the School of Evocation or
Necromancy as their arcane tradition.
The Dead. Undead soldiers have served in Karrnath's
armies for decades. How do you feel about the






Kaius ir'Wynarn III emerged from the shadows like a
villain in one of Kessler's plays. His guardians kept him
hidden during his youth while his aunt Moranna served
as the regent of Karrnath. So it was a surprise to many
when he burst forth to claim his crown and his power,
all the more so because of his uncanny resemblance
to Kaius I, the ruler who plunged Karrnath into the
Last War and instituted the brutal system oflaws that
bears his name.
Given the circumstances ofKaius Ill's ascension, it's
hardly surprising that the new king would face chal­
lenges from the proud warlords of Karrnath. Some ques­
tioned his lineage and his ability to command. But the
most unusual challenge came from the warlord Drago
Thul: was Kaius III actually alive? Kaius I had elevated
the Blood of Vol in Karrnath and instituted the use of
undead as weapons of war. Drago Thul asserted that
Kaius III was actually Kaius I, a vampiric monster "seek­
ing to drain the lifeblood ofKarrnath itself." This was a
serious accusation; the undead have no rights under the
Code of Galifar and cannot inherit titles or lands. Thul's
challenge spread like wildfire, only to be crushed when
Kaius III met the warlords under the midday sun and cut
his palm to show his freely flowing blood.
This should have been the end of it, but the tale of the
Vampire King has proven surprisingly resilient. Some say
that the king developed special enchantments to avoid
the effects of sunlight; others say that he has relies on
changeling impersonators to take his place in the day­
light. As for Drago Thul, he refused to stand down when
Kaius III pushed for peace and the Treaty ofThronehold.
He fled to the city ofStormreach in Xen'drik with a
small band of followers, and he continues to rally sup­
port against "the monster that sits on our throne."

undead? Are you a follower of the Blood of Vol who
considers the undead to be a practical tool? Do you
have a relative or friend currently serving? Or do you
despise the Blood of Vol and the use of necromancy?

Sturdy walls surround Karrnathi communities, and
even the smallest village maintains a capable militia.

Known as the City of Night, Atur is the stronghold of the
Blood of Vol in Karrnath. During the war, this was the
center for the production of undead, and massive cata­
combs below the city hold legions of Karrnath's undead
soldiers in case they are needed again.

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