Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

An excellent system of roads connects the central na­
tions of Khorvaire. Travelers can always make their way
by horse or coach, which might employ draft animals
magebred by House Vadalis for speed or endurance.
House Vadalis also supplies exotic mounts such as hip­
pogriffs and griffons. Elemental galleons use bound air
or water elementals to propel them.
Two main options provide long-distance travel across
land. Major cities in Khorvaire are linked by the light­
ning rail of House Orien, which allows you to avoid the
perils-and tedium-of the roads. The lightning rail
uses bound elementals to pull a train of carriages over a
path of magical stones, between which a rail-like stream
of lightning arcs.
If speed is an issue, you can book passage on a House
Lyrandar airship, which uses a bound elemental to hold
a ship aloft and propel it through the air. This is almost
the fastest way to travel, but also the most expensive.
Elemental airships are a recent innovation and are rela­
tively rare; many cities don't yet have docking towers.
For those with no time to spare and plenty of money
to spend, House Orien also has teleportation circles in
each of its enclaves in cities across Khorvaire. At signif­
icant cost, a member of the house will transport passen­
gers instantaneously from one enclave to another.
The Travel Services table summarizes the cost of trav­
eling by these extraordinary means.

Airship (House Lyrandar)
Elemental galleon (House Lyrandar)
Lightning rail (House Orien)
Magebred coach (House Orien)
Te leportation circle (House Orien)


1 gp per mile
5 sp per mile
5 sp per mile
3 sp per mile
2,500 gp

20 mph
lO mph
30 mph
5 mph

After a century of war, magic plays an ever-increasing
role on the battlefield. Massive magical siege staffs fill
the role of artillery. Semi-sentient warforged titans can
scatter squads of infantry. Arcane sappers may spread
glyphs of warding to deny a region to an enemy. Wands
and rods haven't replaced the swords or bows, but elite
wandslingers, as military spellcasters are often known,
are becoming ever more common.
The nations of Khorvaire all employed different fo rms
of battle magic during the war. Aundair fielded the
greatest number of wizards, while Breland produced
floating fortresses and other engines of war. The nation
of Karrnath embraced the practice of necromancy and
animated hordes of undead soldiers.
In the final decades of the war, House Cannith created
the warforged: tireless soldiers formed of metal and
other materials. The Treaty of Thronehold forbade the
creation of new warforged and granted freedom to those
that survived the conflict. Warforged now seek places to
call home across Khorvaire, but these living weapons
struggle to find their place in a world at peace.

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