Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1



  • Faith is part of daily life in Thrane, and divine adepts
    provide important services. Magic is also common
    in Thrane. Everbright lanterns light the streets while
    magewrights and wizards practice their trades,
    though there are fewer of them than in other nations.

  • Every town has a militia ready to deal with super­
    natural threats, and people stand together to fight
    darkness. Champions of the light find support and
    hospitality, but any character who dabbles with dark
    forces-necromancers, warlocks, and the like-finds
    Thrane a dangerous, unwelcoming place.
    The feudal system of nobility remains in place, but
    ultimate authority rests in the hands of the church.
    Queen Diani ir'Wynarn is the "blood regent," serving
    as a symbolic advisor to the Keeper of the Flame. A
    small fraction of the population would like to see the
    traditional monarchy restored to power.


As you develop a Thrane character, consider the follow­
ing details:

The Impact of Faith. If you want to reflect a close bond
to the Silver Flame, you could gain a few divine spells
by taking the Magic Initiate feat. Archery is a devo­
tional practice of the Silver Flame, so as a martial
Thrane you might focus on archery-related combat
styles or take the Sharpshooter feat. Any Thrane


could take the acolyte background to reflect a strong
connection to the church or the soldier background
based on service with the templars.
Church or Crown? Do you support the theocracy, or
would you like to see power restored to the throne?
Many people of faith believe that miring the church in
politics distracts it and invites corruption.
Dealing with Darkness. The Shadow in the Flame can
tempt even the most virtuous soul. How do you react
when you encounter corruption and greed? Are you a
compassionate person who seeks to lead people to the
light, or a zealot determined to crush all darkness?

The Church of the Silver Flame is a militant faith, and
Thrane communities are built around fortified churches
designed to serve as fortresses in times of trouble.
Larger towns maintain sturdy walls patrolled by skilled
archers. A Flamic architectural style appears through­
out the region. Buildings incorporate light and soaring
spaces, and icons of the Silver Flame and images of the
martyr Tira Miron appear throughout the nation.

The spiritual heart and capital of Thrane, Flamekeep is
a massive fortress city. The Keeper of the Flame dwells
in the great Cathedral of the Silver Flame, which holds
the pillar of fire born when Tira Miron sacrificed herself
to bind the demon Bel Shalor. The cathedral is the seat
of the Council of Cardinals and the primary garrison

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