Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
The second largest city in Valenar, Pylas Maradal is
a port on the southern coast. House Lyrandar has in­
vested in the city and built shipyards and a large house
enclave. The port sees traffic from Q'barra, Sarlona, and
Aerenal. When the region was part of Cyre, this city was
known as Southport, a haven for smugglers and pirates.

High King Shaeras Vadallia maintains his seat in Taer
Valaestas. Located in the center of the kingdom, the
city is built for war and surrounded by a living wall of
bronzewood thorns. In addition to the royal palace,
outposts of most dragonmarked houses, and a market
where foreigners sell their wares, Taer Valaestas hosts
the primary temple of the Keepers of the Past and a vast
arena used for horse training, races, and other displays
of equestrian skill.

There's a popular saying in Taer Valaestas: "The
shadow of war hangs long over Valenar." War defines
Valenar culture. The Treaty of Thronehold recognized
Valenar as a sovereign nation, but the elves are already
pushing the limits of the treaty. Some venture into the
Mournland or the untamed jungles of Q'barra, and Vale­
nar warbands have launched raids into Darguun and
Karrnath. High King Shaeras Vadallia has promised to
rein in his warriors, but many believe that the elves will
continue their provocation. Their main interest is con­
flict with a worthy foe-and they might want Darguun or
Karrnath to declare war.
Because of this, the nation remains on a war footing.
Villages find it challenging to produce the supplies re­
quired to maintain the elf army. Still, the Va lenar are
rarely cruel overlords. As long as a village can meet its
quotas, the elves leave it alone, though villages that fall
below expectations are more likely to receive assistance
from druidic advisors than punishment.


Capital: Trolanport
Hallmarks: Alchemy, education, elemental binding,
entertainment, gnomes, precious stones
At first glance, the homeland of the gnomes appears
to be a paradise. City streets are bright and clean, the
universities and libraries are the finest in Khorvaire,
everyone seems happy and helpful, and crime is all but
unheard of. But Zil society teems with layers of intrigue
and blackmail invisible to human eyes. The Trust,
a ruthless secret police force, eliminates any threat
to society.
Zilargo isn't a tyranny. Each major city has a demo­
cratically elected ruling council and a seat on the Tri­
umvirate that governs the nation; the Trust reports to
the Triumvirate. The Zil gnomes built this system, and
they are quite happy with it. Their streets are safe, and
as long as you play by the rules of the game, the Trust
ignores you. Outsiders find this casual acceptance of
preemptive assassination to be terrifying, but the Zil
genuinely trust the Trust.

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