Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
Blood ofVol

Everyone has a spark of divinity. Find that
power within.

  • Death is the end, Dolurrh is oblivion, and if the gods
    exist, they are cruel. Stand with those you care for; all
    we have is this life and each other.
    What just god would allow death and suffering? The
    Blood of Vol teaches that we all have the potential to
    become divine beings-and that death is a curse, de­
    signed to kill you before you can unlock the divinity
    within you.
    The Blood of Vol is a grim faith, founded by Erandis
    d'Vol, an elf from Aerenal. It asserts that death is obliv­
    ion, that the universe is uncaring, and that if the Sover­
    eigns exist, they are cruel. Its followers study the secrets
    of blood and life, and because they believe that death is
    the end, they see nothing wrong with using the bodies
    of the fallen to serve the living. Seekers of the Divinity
    Within (as the faithful call themselves) are glad to be
    reanimated after death; at least they can do some good.
    Because of this association with necromancy, many
    believe the Blood of Vol embraces death and its follow­
    ers want to become undead. Both ideas are false. The
    Blood of Vol sees death as the ultimate evil. Seekers
    don't want to become undead; they want to become
    divine beings. The faith teaches that divinity is tied to
    blood and soul, and the undead can never fully harness
    that power. The mummies and vampires of the Blood of
    Vol have sacrificed their chance at divinity to guide the
    living. They're martyrs, not something to envy.
    In addition to a general revulsion toward the undead,
    the public opinion of the Blood of Vol is colored by the
    actions of the Order of the Emerald Claw. This extrem­
    ist sect serves a lich known as the Queen of Death, and
    it employs necromantic magic in acts of terror. However,
    most Seekers don't support the Emerald Claw.
    The Blood of Vol has its strongest following in Karr­
    nath and the Lhazaar Principalities. For a time, it was
    the national religion of Karrnath. Though fallen from
    favor, the faith is still practiced openly in that nation.

The power of a cleric of the Blood of Vol comes from
within them. As such, every cleric chooses a unique
holy symbol-an object that resonates with them. More
generally, the faith is represented by a tear-shaped red
gemstone or shard of glass. Priests of the Blood of Vol
wear robes of red and black.


The services of the Blood of Vol focus on drawing the
faithful together as a community and encouraging peo­
ple to find power within themselves. The most import­
ant ritual of the faith is the Sacrament of Blood. After a
sermon, each member of the congregation sheds a small
amount of blood into a basin. This is a symbol of unity,
and a message that members of the community would
shed their blood to defend one another. In some temples,
this blood is donated to vampire champions of the faith.

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Last month, the Emerald Claw took credit for the ghoul
outbreak in Wroat. This terrorist organization has a new
and unusual critic: Hask Malevanor, an "abactor" of the
Blood of Vol and high priest of the Crimson Monastery,
a temple in the city of Atur in Karrnath. Something else
you should know about Abactor Malevanor: he's been
dead for over fifty years! This putrid priest says that
there's nothing unholy about his condition, swearing
that his people revere all life. Despite the fact that the
terrorists included priests from his church, Malevanor
insists that his parishioners despise the Emerald Claw
and harbor no hostility toward Breland.
While we'd like to take the abactor at his word, our
research shows that Malevanor was personally involved
in the program that produced the infamous Karrnathi
undead soldiers. After decades of driving the Karrnathi
war effort, this foul creature expects us to believe that he
has nothing to do with the necromantic attacks on our
people? Here at the Vo ice of Breland, we think something
about this smells rotten, and it's not just the mummy.

A shrine devoted to the Blood of Vol requires only an al­
tar and a means for collecting ritually spilled blood.
Temples of the Blood of Vol are fortified structures,
built to serve as sanctuaries. In contrast to the Silver
Flame, such temples are stark and functional. Temples
include vaults or catacombs, designed to hold undead or
to store corpses.

Cults of the Dragon Below

  • A paradise exists within the world, a vale bathed in
    the light of the Inner Sun. Earn your passage with the
    blood of worthy foes.

  • Our existence is a chrysalis state, preparing us for
    transcendent immortality within the bowels of the gib­
    bering mouther.

  • The Lord of Eyes sees all secrets. Its gaze elevates
    the worthy and slays the unbeliever. Drive doubt from
    your heart, and you will see reality through new eyes.
    The Cults of the Dragon Below are wildly diverse. The
    tenets above describe the beliefs of three different
    cults. Warlocks draw power from demon overlords, and
    daelkyr cultists serve mind flayers and beholders. Oth­
    ers embrace deep convictions that others see as mad­
    ness. Outsiders use the term "Cult of the Dragon Below"
    as a blanket term to describe these disparate beliefs,
    but the cultists don't use this name or see themselves as
    part of a greater whole.



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