Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
The symbol of the Path of Light is a shard of brilliant
crystal, carried or worn as an amulet. This crystal may
be used as a holy symbol; if it's worn as a necklace, the
priest must place one hand on it to use it as a focus. The
formal garb of a priest includes a headdress with curv­
ing horns and points made from a Sarlonan shell-like
material called sentira.

Physical and mental discipline are important virtues of
the Path of Light. Martial arts and guided meditation be­
come a form of devotion and prayer. A kalashtar priest
conducts services telepathically, using shrines designed
to amplify psychic abilities and allowing them to share
thoughts and images directly with the congregation. To
an outsider, a service can appear silent and tranquil de­
spite being an ecstatic experience for the faithful.

The nation of Adar in Sarlona is home to vast fortress
monasteries devoted to the Path of Light. In Khorvaire,
a mere handful of shrines appear in cities with large
kalashtar communities. These shrines are calm and
peaceful, the air scented with Sarlonan incense. The
chambers are open, providing space for martial arts.
Labyrinthine patterns engraved on the floors serve as
an aid to meditation, while the walls hold crystals that
focus and amplify the psychic abilities of the priests.

Spirits of the Past

  • We are the spiritual anchors of the greatest champi­
    ons of our people. Through our faith, we keep their
    spirits from being lost to oblivion.

  • You have been chosen by a hero. Live your life as they
    lived theirs, letting their instincts guide you.

  • Treasure our past and the stories of our people. You
    are the vessel through which new legends will arise.
    As a Tairnadal elf of Valenar, you were raised on the leg­
    ends of your people, on tales of champions who battled
    mighty dragons and armies of giants. When you came
    of age, the Keepers of the Past read the signs to deter­
    mine which of these ancestors chose you to be their
    vessel. Since that day, it has been your duty to emulate
    your patron ancestor. If you're a wizard, you've studied
    the spells created by your ancestor. If you're a warrior,
    you've practiced their specific martial techniques. When
    you trance, you relive their greatest battles. But these
    studies are just preparation. Now it's your sacred duty
    to be a revenant of your ancestor: to live your life as they
    did and allow the champion to walk the world again
    through you. (This title of revenant carried by Speakers
    of the Past is not to be confused with the undead reve­
    nants described in the Monster Manual.)
    The bond between ancestor and living elf is holy. Your
    ancestor doesn't speak to you or control your actions.
    But as a Tairnadal, you believe that they are with you­
    that your instincts and your reflexes are the ancestor
    moving through you, telling you what to do. The closer






Many of the people of Khorvaire have never met a ka­
lashtar. Some say these people are in contact with celes­
tial spirits; here at the Voice of Breland, we say they're a
rare type of lunatic we've imported from Sarlona. So it
was a special treat for tourists when one of the spiritual
leaders of the kalashtar of Sharn made an unexpected ap­
pearance in the grand plaza of Hope's Peak. The enlight­
ened Havakhad-that's what he calls himself-issued
a warning that "darkness was gathering" and that "a
terrible time lies just ahead." He beseeched the assem­
bled crowds to show kindness to neighbor and stranger
alike, and not to let "fear cause strife in the hard days to
come." Apparently Havakhad hasn't heard the news that
we're winning the war. But if the world does end tomor­
row, you read it here first!

you follow the path, the more guidance they provide,
helping you create new legends.
The folk of Khorvaire see your people as mercenar­
ies and conquerors. But you don't care about gold or
personal glory. All you want is to let your ancestors
live again, and that means you need to perform deeds
worthy of champions. That drives you now: seeking out
adventures that will add to the legends of your patron.
You and your DM should develop the identity of your
ancestor. How did they fight? What were some of their
legendary deeds? Did they have a distinctive weapon
or favor a particular kind of magic? Equally important
is your relationship with the ancestor. Are you proud of
your ancestor and excited to live as they did, or is your
duty a burden?
Since the rise of Valenar, half-elves and even some
humans have sought to be inducted into the faith. But so
far the Keepers of the Past have declared that only elves
can be revenants. Beyond the blood connection to the
ancestor, an elf communes with their ancestor during
trance, and half-elves can't enter this state. The Keep­
ers say it can't be done, but perhaps you'll be the one to
prove them wrong.

The primary symbol of the faith is the zaelshin, an amu­
let that bears the seal of your patron ancestor and worn
either as a brooch or embedded in the forehead of a
helmet. A devotee of the faith typically wears a veil-the
zaelta, or "spirit mask"-over their lower face while in
battle or performing rituals, so an opponent sees the
zaelshin rather than the living elf.



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