Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

The zaelshin is the symbol of the faith, but the holy
symbol used by a cleric is an object associated with their
personal ancestor.


Services revolve around the stories of the ancestors,
commemorating their glorious deeds, as well as ritual
exercises and trance meditation. While resting, an elf
spends four hours in trance. The faithful spend this time
in communion with their ancestor, experiencing their
memories and contemplating their deeds.


The nomadic Tairnadal elves don't raise permanent tem­
ples. A Keeper of the Past marks a circle on the ground
with their blade, and the space within becomes sancti­
fied for the service.

Undying Court

  • Our greatest champions and sages will never be lost
    to us. Their wisdom guides us, and their power pro­
    tects us all.

  • Honor our past. Respect our traditions. Perfect
    your skills and you may earn your place among the

  • Destroy those foul creatures that channel the power of
    Mahar, for they consume the essence of our world.


The elves of Aerenal refuse to let their greatest souls be
lost to the oblivion that is Dolurrh. The wisest and most
accomplished elves are preserved after death, becoming
members of the Undying Court. The devotion of the
living elves sustains the Undying Court, and the Court
generates a well of mystic energy that empowers their
clerics. As an Aereni cleric, your spells aren't personally
granted to you by a specific Undying Councilor. Your
powers flow from the Court itself, allowing you to serve
its will and to protect your people.
Of all the religions of Eberron, the Undying Court is
most grounded in the world. The Court stands in the
city of Shae Mordai, and as an Aerenal elf, you could
seek an audience with one of your deathless ancestors.
As a devotee of the Undying Court, you recognize it as
the power that sustains your civilization and as an as­
sembly of your greatest sages and leaders. Should you
accomplish great achievements in your life, you can as­
pire to join the Court.
As a cleric or paladin of the Undying Court, you have
a concrete relationship with your deity. In creating your
character, consider why you've traveled so far from
home. Are you on a specific mission? Are you serving
the Court as a whole, or are you acting as an agent of a
specific councilor-perhaps your own ancestor? The Un­
dying Court despises undead creatures that prey on the
living, so if you don't have a concrete mission, you can
always hunt down undead and evil necromancers.
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