In Sharn, as in any large community, different segments
of the population occupy different places in the economic
spectrum. The terms that D&D uses to quantify lifestyle
expenses-wretched, squalid, poor, modest, comfortable,
wealthy, and aristocratic (see "Expenses" in chapter 5 of
the Player's Handbook)-are also used in this chapter as
an indicator of what it costs for someone to live in a given
area, and also of the costs of goods and services there.
For instance, a restaurant that is said to serve food
of comfortable quality is one where a patron who lives
a comfortable lifestyle (or better) can afford anything
on the menu.
Morgrave University, though not the most respectable
institution of higher learning in Khorvaire, has an ex
tensive library that boasts definitive collections of lore
in certain fields, particularly arcana, dungeoneering,
geography, and history. Characters seeking knowledge
in any of these fields or others ought to be able to find re
sources in the library to aid their search. The university
is an excellent source of sages who hire their services
out on a short-or long-term basis. Even those who pro
fess to be sages but have no connection to the university
tend to cluster around Morgrave, with their homes and
businesses almost all located in the University, Den'iyas,
and Ivy Towers districts of Upper Menthis.
Another important site for certain kinds of research is
the City Archive, in the Highest Towers district of Upper
Central. The archive contains exhaustive historical doc
uments of Sharn; birth, death, and marriage records;
and copies of legal documents such as identification
papers and letters of marque issued in the city. Access
to these records, however, is more restricted than to the
contents of the Morgrave library.
Those who want to further their research through
some hands-on experience might find undiscovered lore
in the lowest regions of Sharn, where sewers and tun
nels snake through ancient ruins. Similarly, the crypts
of the City of the Dead might hold some relevant histori
cal information.
Sharn contains a number of major shopping districts.
The Tradefair district in Middle Central focuses on
top-quality goods-everything you'll need to maintain a
wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle. North Market in Lower
Northedge has a fine selection of common goods. Al
most anything can be found in the Bazaar of Middle
Dura, as long as you're not concerned about the origin of
secondhand goods. Tavick's Market in Middle Tavick's
Landing is a center for produce and other goods brought
in from the farms and artisan workshops outside Sharn.
House Jorasco operates houses of healing throughout
the city, largely in the middle and upper wards. The
Panaceum in Dragon Towers (Middle Central) is the
primary Jorasco enclave. The houses' services use the
prices in this book's introduction.
The Panaceum has an altar that can be used to per
form raise dead, but this service isn't without its risks.
Sometimes the wrong spirit returns to a body, or ma
levolent ghosts or wraiths might escape from the neth
erworld along with the person being raised. Before the
healers take gold to perform a resurrection, ajorasco
adept will first cast augury. If this divination indicates
looming disaster, the adept will reject the request.
A few divine spellcasters in Sharn can raise the dead,
notably the high priest of the Undying Court in Shae
Lias. These devout clerics rarely sell their services,
however, and the high priest would need a compelling
reason to help someone who has different beliefs.
There's always a celebration happening or about to hap
pen in Sharn, whether it's a parade in a single district or
a festival that ranges across the entire city. Here are a
few special occasions to put on your calendar.
The ir'Tains are the richest and most powerful family in
Sharn. Each month, Lady Celyria ir'Tain holds a ball at
her Skyway mansion. The guest list defines the current
social order of the city; those families who hold perma
nent invitations, known as the Sixty, are the de facto roy
alty of Sharn. Celyria does invite unusual guests and at
tractions each month, and an up-and-coming entertainer
or a renowned folk hero might catch her notice.
During the Last War, saboteurs caused a floating tower
to fall into Lower Dura. This devastation can still be
seen today in the district now known as Fallen. On 9
Olarune, people gather to remember those who were
lost that day. Many of them carry on a tradition of craft
ing elaborate ice sculptures and throwing them into the
Dagger River.
The nation of Cyre was destroyed in 994 YK on this
date, known as the Day of Mourning. Although that
event had an impact on everyone in Khorvaire, this day
of remembrance is especially significant to Cyran sur
vivors. It is a time when Cyrans come together to recall
their lost kingdom. Some tell stories or sing traditional
songs, ensuring that their culture isn't forgotten. Other
survivors still seethe with anger at the enemies who
brought Cyre down, and thus far the holiday has been
marked by a brief upturn in violence.
The festival of Doi Arr ah is a day of peace and a time
when enemies are urged to find a peaceful resolution to
their conflicts. It's one of the safest days in the city for
visitors and residents alike.
Elders share their knowledge with the young during
this celebration. Morgrave University holds its graduate
services on this day, and a day-long schedule of public
lectures is presented at the Great Hall of Aureon in Up
per Menthis.