Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

Dura is a quarter of extremes, from the nearly idyllic at­
mosphere of Upper Dura, down to the danger of Lower
Dura. Among its attractions and diversions are these:
Gamble. Legal gambling is heavily taxed in the city and
limited in its scope. Dura is the place to find a wide
range of shadier and more profitable games.

The hub of Sharn's entertainment industry and home
to Breland's largest university, Menthis Plateau is· one
of the most diverse quarters in Sharn. Whether you're
looking for classical theater, a fine bookstore, or an ille­
gal fighting ring, Menthis has something to offer.

Go shopping. The Bazaar of Middle Dura is an ex­ UPPER MENTHIS
cellent source for exotic goods, legal or otherwise.
Clifftop, in Upper Dura, caters to adventurers and has
a reasonable selection of magical goods.
Bend the law. Looking for a fence or need to hire an
assassin? Lower Dura is the nexus for criminal activi­
ties in Sharn.

Elegant and civilized, Upper Menthis is home to four of
the finest theaters in Breland: the cutting-edge Art Tem­
ple, the colorful Khavish Theater, the traditional Grand
Stage, and the open-air Stargazer Theater, as well as
the Kavarrah Concert Hall.

Talk about the race. The inhabitants of Dura are de­
voted to the Race of Eight Winds and are always will­
ing to discuss the latest news.
Suffer a terrible accident. The Sharn Watch ignores
much of Lower Dura. Stories circulate continuously
about dragonmarked houses and mad wizards con­
ducting dangerous experiments in Lower Dura with­
out interference from the law.

The shops in Upper Menthis deal mainly in fine food,
fashion, and exotic goods. For instance, in the Seventh
Tower district, Window on Yesterday, Echoes of the
Past, the Mekdall Gallery, and Cloud Antiquities all
buy and sell interesting antiques and trinkets from dis­
tant lands.
The district of Den'iyas is a gnome neighborhood
that provides a glimpse into the culture of Zilargo. Da­
vandi Fine Tailoring is the source of some of the finest
glamerweave clothing in Khorvaire, and the district also

Art Temple

Davandi Fine

Dezina Museum
of Antiquities
Golden Horn

Grand Stage

Great Hall of
Khavish Theater

Little Xen'drik

Sharn Opera
Stargazer Theater

Classic Theater

The Burning Ring

This theater is renowned for its avant-garde techniques and subjects.

In addition to being the city councilor representing Upper Menthis, the gnome Thurik
Davandi is an accomplished tailor and magewright who produces the finest glamerweave
clothing available in Sharn.
Attached to Morgrave University, this building displays the relics recovered on the univer­
sity's many expeditions.
This wealthy inn includes a library, a few large meeting rooms, and a small concert hall.
Performing at the Horn is an excellent opportunity for aspi ring bards.
This stage hosts grand performances of the beloved classics of Galifar, along with more
modern works that follow classical traditions.
Sham's largest temple to the Sovereign Aureon, the Great Hall celebrates knowledge and
learning. The clergy are sages and savants in a wide variety of fields.
Established by and for gnomes, the Khavish has ample seating for small creatures, and its
shows make extensive use of illusions.
This area of small shops deals in antiquities and relics recovered from Xen'drik and the ru­
ins below Sharn. Cloud Antiquities specializes in giant artifacts, while the Mekdall Gallery
deals in ancient elven and drow goods. Windows on Yesterday looks for items with histori­
cal significance, and Echoes of the Past deals in magic items with practical uses.
Performances at the Sharn Opera are one of the most highbrow forms of entertainment in
the city.
This open-air theater focuses on popular entertainment with family appeal.

A small and inexpensive theater, the Classic performs only works written before the start
of the Last War.
The Ring offers blood sport and gladiatorial combat. These dangerous matches aren't
sanctioned by law, and the Burning Ring constantly changes locations to avoid the Sharn
Watch. It's always last seen somewhere in Lower Menthis.
Diamond Theater A cheap theater once known for bawdy humor, the Diamond has gained fame due to its
playwright in residence and has produced several plays about the impact of the Last War.
Ten Torches The cheapest ticket in Sham's theater scene, Ten Torches alternates between lowbrow
comedy and bizarre shows that no respectable theater would stage.

University, Upper
Den'iyas, Upper

University, Upper
University, Upper
University, Upper
University, Upper
Den'iyas, Upper
Seventh Tower,
Upper Menthis

University, Upper
University, Upper
Smoky Towers,
Middle Menthis
Lower Menthis

Lower Menthis
Torchfire, Lower

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