Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1


The Shrine of Fathen the Martyr is an infamous spot
in North Market. It is dedicated to a crusading priest of
the Silver Flame who uncovered a group of wererats in
the early days of Sham. Fathen was torn apart by the
wererats he had exposed, and in his honor the Church
of the Silver Flame raised the shrine on this site. It's
said that any lycanthrope that enters the shrine will be
forced into its true form. Pilgrim,s devoted to the Sil­
ver Flame come from across Khorvaire to pray at the
shrine, but the local shifter population has no love for
the pilgrims or the church.

high priest of the Gates of Passage is capable of rais­
ing the dead.
Find a patron. Many eccentric nobles make their homes
in Upper Northedge. A patron of the arts could take
an interest in the career of a bard or an entertainer.
A collector might keep capable adventurers on re­
tainer with the understanding that they'll deliver any
Dhakaani artifacts they come across in their travels.
You never know what benefits a patron will provide; at
the very least, having a patron can provide you with an
introduction to high society.


Northedge is the most peaceful quarter in Sham. It does
have a few taverns and temples, but if you're looking for
excitement or a wide selection of goods and services,
you'll want to go elsewhere. Even so, Northedge boasts
some notable special attractions:

Everyone who comes to Sham, whether by land or air,
passes through Tavick's Landing. The quarter took on
a martial aspect during the Last War, and the tense
atmosphere can still be felt today. On the positive side,
Watch Commander Iyanna ir'Talan has gone to great
efforts to purge corruption in the local garrisons of the
Sham Watch; as a result, this is one of the few districts
where the Watch is both helpful and competent. On the
downside, visitors from any nation that fought against
Breland during the war might be greeted with suspicion
or hostility.

Settle down. If you're looking for a place to live in
Sham, Lower Northedge residences are of reason­
able quality and price and offer more security than
Lower Dura.
Die in style. The elves of Shae Lias are experts in
funerary customs and embalming. In addition, the

Gates of Passage


The Oaks

The Silver Bough

The Winding Root

The Veil of Flesh

Coldflame Keep

Daca's Watch

The Bear's Rest

Fathen's Shrine

The Horse and
The Rat's Nest

Description District
Built from Aereni densewood, this spire serves both as the embassy of Aerenal and Shae Lias, Upper
a temple of the Undying Court. Aereni citizens who die in Sharn are interred in the Northedge
temple crypts until their remains can be transported to Aerenal.
An apothecary dealing in exotic herbs and salves, Nightshade is also a tavern spe- Shae Lias, Upper
cializing in lightly poisoned beverages. Northedge
A legendary restaurant that serves Aereni and Brelish cuisine. The quality is un- Shae Lias, Upper
matched, as are the aristocratic prices. Head chef Maza Thadian has maintained
the Oaks for over three hundred years, but after her recent appointment as city
councilor for Upper Northedge she is often occupied with other matters.
This establishment deals in arms crafted in the Aereni tradition. This merchandise
includes magic items, but woodshaper Tanar Mendyrian takes time to produce his
wonders, and only a limited selection is available at any given time.
A marketplace and gallery that showcases the work of elven artisans, including
sculptures, textiles, and fine clothing.
This studio deals in Aereni body art and alteration, such as tattoos and cosmetic
A garrison temple of the Silver Flame, this place once housed a hundred temp la rs
dedicated to protecting Sharn from supernatural threats. It has largely been aban­
doned; only a dozen devoted templars and adepts remain in residence.
A dwarf named Daca has been sitting on a pillar in Northedge for over a century,
offering advice and encouragement. Though she doesn't claim to be a priest, many
believe that Daca is blessed and guided by Boldrei.
A modest inn maintained by a beasthide shifter named Leara, who usually gives a
discount to traveling shifters. The decor features various exotic hides.
This marker in North Market commemorates a miracle that exposed a network of
were rats in Sharn, along with the priest of the Silver Flame who died while fighting
them. Pilgrims devoted to the Silver Flame often visit the shrine.
Though not as colorful as the Bear's Rest, this large inn is maintained by House
Ghallanda and offers rooms of modest and comfortable quality.
A modest tavern catering to the shifters of Lower Northedge, the Rat's Nest is a
haven for gossip and serves food and drink in the Eldeen style.


Shae Lias, Upper

Shae Lias, Upper
Shae Lias, Upper
High Hope, Middle

High Hope, Middle
North edge

North Market, Lower
North Market, Lower

North Market, Lower
North Market, Lower

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