Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1


This ward is effectively a self-contained city catering to
the nobles that live there. It has fine housing, skilled ser­
vices, a luxurious mercantile district, and even an entire
district-Sunrise-designed for the servants of the no­
bles. The services and lodging in Sunrise accommodate
those with poor or modest lifestyles, as opposed to the
higher-priced goods found elsewhere in the ward.
For those willing to put up with its restrictive laws,
Upper Tavick's Landing has many fine features.
Wyredd's Spirits is the best source for wine in Sharn.
The shop Crystals of Deni on buys and sells rare magic
items, though it only has a handful of such items at any
given time. Transmutation is a renowned beauty salon
providing both mundane and arcane services. House
Deneith maintains a fortified garrison and training facil­
ity in the Copper Arch district.

During the war, fe ars of attacks by foreign agents re­
sulted in the establishment of a number of laws here
that affect visitors, including adventurers, to this day.
The soldiers of House Deneith have full authority
to act as agents of the Sharn Watch in Upper Tavick's
Landing, and staff of Deneith's elite Blademark merce­
naries maintain checkpoints at the district's edges.

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You need a license to carry a weapon in Upper Tav­
ick's Landing. It costs only 5 gp, but you have to plead
your case to a clerk. Any Blademark or member of the
watch can demand to see your license and might con­
fiscate unauthorized weapons. You also need a license
to cast spells in the ward. It costs 10 gp, and you must
specify the spells you intend to cast. A fine can be levied
for any unauthorized use of magic. To get licenses for
weapons or spellcasting, you'll have to go to the court­
house in the Twelve Pillars district.
Another law requires inhabitants to dress "in a man­
ner that upholds the solemn dignity of this proud ward."
Blademarks and officers of the watch can choose how
they interpret this. Typically, armor is considered in­
appropriate unless you're tied to House Deneith or the
Sharn Watch, or you've served with the Brelish military.
Anyone in contempt of this law is escorted out.
Any sort of unruly behavior-fighting, shouting in the
streets, and the like-brings a fine of up to 5 gp and tem­
porary expulsion from the ward.

Unlike the upper ward, Middle Tavick's Landing wel­
comes travelers and tourists. The ward features a host
of lively taverns and excellent inns. The Cornerstone is
a huge arena that hosts events ranging from circuses to





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