aerial jousting. The Deathsgate district caters to adven
turers, much as the Cliff top district of Upper Dura does.
Like Clifftop, the district has an adventurer's guild
though the Deathsgate Guild has a dark reputation, and
its members often pick fights with Clifftop adventurers.
(See the "Adventurer's Guilds" section for more informa
tion.) House Jorasco has a large house of healing in the
ward, and House Deneith maintains a recruiting station
for would-be mercenaries.
aggression and a place where followers of the Blood of
Vol can practice their faith.
Tavick's Market is one of Sharn's major market dis
tricts; located directly above the Terminus lightning rail
station, it's filled with stands selling produce and goods
brought in by local farmers.
Two land routes to Sharn both end at Lower Tavick's
Landing. The Orien lightning rail deposits passengers
in the district of Terminus, while those who travel to
Sharn on the Old Road arrive at Wroann's Gate. Getting
to the better parts of Sharn from here means passing
through Black Arch, a heavily fortified garrison district
The Graystone district has deep roots in Karrnathi
culture that predate the Last War; Slogar's and the
Bloody Mug are places where homesick Karrns can
enjoy blood sausage and Nightwood ale. The district is a
haven for Karrnathi soldiers who want to avoid Brelish
Crystals of Den ion
The Three Towers
Wyredd's Spirits
The Bloody Mug
The Cornerstone
The Deathsgate Guild
The Guild of Starlight
and Shadows
Maynard's Menagerie
Red blade's
Tooth and Nail
Terminus Station
This gallery deals in rare and expensive magic items. The selection is limited,
and Den ion looks for items that are both beautiful and powerful.
A fortress enclave of House Deneith. One tower is a garrison for the Blademark
Silvergate, Upper
Tavick's Landing
Copper Arch, Upper
mercenary forces that police Upper Tavick's Landing. The second is dedicated to Tavick's Landing
house business and training. The third is a private mansion for Deneith heirs.
A beauty salon that employs both magical and mundane cosmetic techniques.
Wyredd deals in fine wines and exotic spirits. Wyredd's has the finest selection
in Sham, but his prices are high.
A comfortable tavern catering to Sham's Karrnathi immigrants. Travelers from
Karrnath always receive a warm welcome and a tankard of nightwood ale in ex
change for stories from the old country.
Copper Arch, Upper
Tavick's Landing
Copper Arch, Upper
Tavick's Landing
Graywall, Middle
Tavick's Landing
A massive arena that hosts a wide array of sporting events. These include jousts Cornerstone, Middle
and races, both on foot and through the air. The Stone Trees is an offshoot of Tavick's Landing
the Cornerstone that serves as the playing field for hrazhak competitions.
A society where adventurers can hone their skills and seek profitable work. The Deathsgate, Middle
Deathsgate Guild has a sinister reputation, earned because its members will do Tavick's Landing
anything in pursuit of success.
The guildhall of one of Sham's most prestigious arcane orders. A reliable source
for arcane spellcasting services.
This Vadalis storefront deals in exotic pets and animal companions, along with
barding and other useful gear.
A comfortable tavern catering to the adventurers of the Deathsgate Guild. Red
blade is rumored to have a side business selling poison and venoms.
This modest restaurant serves traditional Karrnathi cuisine. The ambience is a
bit gloomy, but the prices are reasonable, and the food is very filling.
A comfortable tavern devoted to the sport of hrazhak. Most of the clientele are
shifters, but anyone willing to talk hrazhak will find friends here.
A legendary gambling hall. In addition to standard games, it's said that the host
can cover a wide range of unusual wagers.
An enclave of House Orien, this site contains the lightning rail station. The ad
ministrators coordinate the many Orien caravans that come and go from Sham.
Many of the other dragon marked houses have small outposts in or around Ter
minus Station, allowing travelers to immediately access the services of House
Sivis, House Deneith, and others.
Staffed by changelings, this comfortable inn specializes in fulfilling fantasies;
both the staff and the rooms can be adapted to fit any scenario. Though some
clients have romance in mind, others come to Velvet's to relive triumphs, to pre
pare for debates or trials, or for help in developing a new identity.
Deathsgate, Middle
Tavick's Landing
Deathsgate, Middle
Tavick's Landing
Deathsgate, Middle
Tavick's Landing
Graywall, Middle
Tavick's Landing
Cornerstone, Middle
Tavick's Landing
Dragoneyes, Lower
Tavick's Landing
Terminus, Lower
Tavick's Landing
Dragoneyes, Lower
Tavick's Landing