Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
to wealthy citizens of Breland. The resulting influx of
residents has brought more diversity to the district, with
dragonmarked heirs and even wealthy criminals living
alongside the nobility. The grandest estate in Skyway is
Tain Manor, home of the ir'Tain family and the monthly
Tain Gala (see "Holidays" earlier in this chapter).
This district offers the highest-priced services in the
city. The Dragon's Hoard is a Ghallanda resort, where
travelers can enjoy the utmost in luxury if they can af­
ford the most expensive amenities. The Celestial Vista
and the Cloud Dragon are wondrous restaurants. The
Azure Gateway is a new hotel and restaurant that has
replaced a Ghallanda establishment. The owner has
remained anonymous, and this touch of mystery has
piqued interest in the place.
If you're interested in mingling with nobles or celeb­
rities, or if you want to pull off a heist that targets the
richest people in Sham, Skyway is the place to do that.
No bridges or lifts connect Skyway to the rest of the
city, so the usual way to reach the floating district is by
taking a skycoach or hiring a flying mount.

Cliffside encompasses the docks and waterfront of
Sham, running along the edge of the Dagger River and
up the cliff above it. Massive lifts levitate goods up to the
skydocks in the district of Precarious. The area's rough
and poor, filled with sailors and dockworkers. Many of
these boisterous folk love the life in Cliffside; as a com­
mon saying goes, "Better a tankard of ale in Cliffside
than a barrel of Central wine."
Plenty of legitimate services can be found here-ships
need supplies and repairs, goods need to be stored,
captains need to hire crew, and sailors need a dry bed to
sleep in once in a while-but other businesses meet dif­
ferent kinds of demands. These services include bordel­
los, taverns, gaming dens, and shadier entertainments
for sailors to spend their off duty hours and wages on.
Even though the Sham Watch has a token presence
here, Cliffside remains one of the most crime-ridden
districts in the city. This situation is exacerbated by the
presence of sahuagin, who sell their services as guides
to help ships traveling to Xen'drik. In fact, the sahuagin
rarely initiate violence, but there have been clashes be­
tween them and aggressive, drunken sailors.

THE Coos ----------
The Cogs lie deep beneath Sharn, below the sewers
and Old Sham (described later in this chapter). Streams
of Fernian lava flow through this area, and over the
centuries, House Cannith has helped Breland establish
vast foundries that tap this mystic resource. Ashblack
and Blackbones are industrial districts, largely inhab­
ited by warforged laborers and miserable workers of
other races. It is said that House Cannith maintains a
forgehold in the Ashblack district, and that this is where
Baron Merrix d'Cannith conducts his experiments.
The Sham Watch maintains a presence in the Cogs,
and overseers from House Cannith are stationed here
to keep things in order. Beyond these industrial dis­
tricts lies the deeper tunnels of Khyber's Gate, a tene­
ment district.

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