Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

On the surface, the Aurum appears to be an exclusive
society for the richest and most influential people of
Khorvaire. Merchants, priests, military officers, and
other luminaries gather for grand galas and salons. Be­
neath this gilded veneer, the members of the Aurum use
their shared wealth and power to pursue their selfish
goals, and a secret cabal at the heart of this fraternity
dreams of global domination.
The Aurum is divided into four suborders called
Concords-copper, silver, gold, and platinum, in order
of ascendance. Higher rank provides a member with
improved access to the resources of the Aurum and
a greater voice in society meetings. The Aurum isn't
a secret society, and its meeting halls can be found in
most major cities. Many powerful people openly wear
the eight rings-one on each finger, with the metal
indicating the rank of the wearer-that label them as
Aurum members. The Aurum frequently engages in acts
of philanthropy, and thus some members might be cele­
brated by their local communities.
When members gather, they discuss shared interests,
especially in history and archaeology. Aurum members
often take an interest in a particular civilization or era
of history; one Concordian collects relics of the Cul' sir
giants of Xen'drik, while another pursues artifacts of
the dragons of Argonnessen. One of the most common
ways in which adventurers cross paths with the Aurum
is through these collectors. Members of the Aurum
often fund expeditions to exotic lands or newly discov­
ered ruins, interested in expanding their private hoards.
Occasionally a Concordian tries to acquire prized relics
through less honorable means; adventurers could be
employed to acquire an exotic prize from a rival through
any means necessary, legal or otherwise.
All of these activities are entirely legitimate. The
Aurum is a society for wealthy scholars and philanthro­
pists. But there is a secret order that ranks higher than
the Platinum Concord-an inner circle known as the
Shadow Cabinet. The members of this cabal are nobles
but not kings; they are powerful industrialists, but not
dragonmarked barons. They are determined to become
the true rulers of Khorvaire, whether by binding the
current barons and monarchs to their will or by tearing
down the current systems and creating something new.
In stories driven by action, the Aurum can fund expe­
ditions to exotic lands and use magical doomsday de­
vices to hold cities for ransom. In adventures driven by
intrigue, the Aurum provides an opportunity to explore
the lure of gold, and how far the characters might go in
the service of an amoral patron.


The Last War gave birth to the Shadow Cabinet. The
war ignited the passions of Concordians who blamed
the monarchs of the Five Nations for the vast devasta-

  • tion and loss. It also created opportunities that never
    existed under the united Galifar. Many of the members
    of the Aurum gained influence by bankrolling one or
    more war efforts, or by stepping in to maintain the infra­
    structure while the government directed its attention to
    military matters. The Aurum also includes a number of
    powerful military officers and warlords. Some despise
    the nobles that drove them to war; others are furious
    that the war ended without a decisive victory. Either
    way, these can provide the Shadow Cabinet with unex­
    pected military power.
    Now, amid the war's cooling ashes, the Aurum's
    power is fragmented. On several occasions, investments
    and gambles that paid dividends in money and power to
    one Concordian sapped the fortune of another, because
    each was unknowingly working against the other's inter­
    ests. Huge collections of art, historical artifacts, and pre­
    cious tomes were destroyed or lost during the war, and
    the Aurum's leaders salivate at the thought of recovering
    some of those riches.

Aurum Concordians are defined by their wealth and
power. When you create an Aurum NPC, consider the
source of that person's wealth and how it is expressed.
The dwarf Antus ir'Soldorak is chancellor of the Plat­
inum Concord and founder of the Shadow Cabinet.
He owns vast gold and silver mines in the Mror Holds
and mints his own currency, and he travels in a gilded
airship. Loyal Daison is a Karrnathi slumlord who has
made a fortune providing low-rent (and low-quality)
housing for refugees. He lost his hand in an industrial
accident and had it replaced with a golden prosthetic.
Members of the Aurum become villains if their quest
for greater influence, personal power, and wealth vic­
timizes the innocent. Whether villains or allies, all Con­
cordians wield significant political influence. They have
access to minions and resources in the higher levels of
society. They prefer to pursue schemes of coercion and
conspiracy, putting their money and influence to work,
than resort to blatant violence in any form.

d4 NPC
An aging dwarf-a retired general and an Aurum Con­
cordian-collects unusual constructs, hoping to find
a way to transfer his mind into a superior body.

(^2) An Au rum Concordian is renowned for having the
finest arcane library in Khorvaire. Adventurers might
help them collect more tome, but when a number of
prominent wizards are murdered and their research
goes missing, is the Concordian to blame?
3 A member of the Gold Concord is on the run from the
Au rum after learning a terrible secret.
4 An imprisoned Con'cordian mobilizes a network of
contacts and well-placed Aurum members in order to
secure their own release.
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