Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1


The bond to the spirit can cause some kalashtar to
display unusual quirks. Consider rolling or selecting a
trait from the Kalashtar Quirks table.

dlO Quirk
You try to understand the motives and fe elings of
your enemies.
2 You prefer using telepathy over speaking aloud.
3 You feel a strong drive to protect the innocent.
4 You apply dream logic to mundane situations.
5 You discuss things out loud with your quori spirit.
6 You suppress your emotions and rely on logic.
7 You are strongly influenced by the emotions of
those around you.
8 You prefer to fi nd nonviolent solutions to problems
whenever possible.
9 You are driven by a warrior spirit and will fight for
any noble cause.
10 You are obsessed with Dreaming Dark conspiracies.

The virtuous spirits tied to the kalashtar fled from the
dream-realm of Dal Quor to escape evil spirits that dom­
inate it. The rebel quori believe that through meditation
and devotion, they can change the fundamental nature
of Dal Quor, shifting the balance from darkness to light.
Most kalashtar communities focus on acts of devotion
known as the Path of Light. But the dark powers of Dal
Quor have their own plans for Eberron. Through the
force known as the Dreaming Dark, these monsters
manipulate the folk of Khorvaire to eliminate kalashtar
whenever possible.
Many kalashtar defend themselves from the Dream­
ing Dark by focusing on devotion to the Path of Light.
Others, though, seek out the agents of the Dreaming
Dark and oppose their plans, or protect the innocent
however they can. Still other kalashtar grow up isolated,
knowing nothing about Dal Quor or the Dreaming Dark.
Such orphans might use their abilities for personal gain
or otherwise act against the virtuous instincts of their
quori spirits; this can cause internal conflicts and violent
mood swings.

A kalashtar name adds a personal prefix to the name of
the quori spirit within the kalashtar. Such names have
no relation to the kalashtar's gender.
Kalashtar orphans are unlikely to know the name of
their spirit and take names from another source.
Quori Names: Ashana, Ashtai, Ishara, Hareth, Khad,
Kosh, Melk, Nari, Tana, Tari, Tash, Ulad, Va kri, Va sh
Kalashtar Names: Coratash, Dalavash, Dolishara, Ha­
lakosh, Khoratari, Koratana, Lanhareth, Molavakri,
Nevitash, Sorashana, Torashtai, Valakhad, Vishara

Yo ur kalashtar character has the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Kalashtar mature and age at the same rate
as humans.
Alignment. The noble spirit tied to a kalashtar drives
it toward lawful and good behavior. Most kalashtar
combine strong self-discipline with compassion for all
beings, but some kalashtar resist the virtuous influence
of their spirit.
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:

Size modifier= 2d6
Height = 5 feet+ 4 inches+ your size modifier in inches
Weight in pounds= 110 + (ld6 x your size modifier)
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
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