Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

Among its various services, the Clifftop Adventurers'
Guild offers a launchpad for all manner of adventures.
Potential employers bring all manner of work to the
guildhall, posting messages or seeking out those with
specific fields of expertise. Guild members also relate
news about opportunities via word of mouth. Such jobs
might resemble those assigned by any other patron.
Without a patron directing your assignments, your
group is free to pursue its own goals, whether you're
seeking wealth, struggling against evil, pursuing a per­
sonal vendetta, or simply reacting to disastrous events
around you. The Guild Adventures table refers to the de­
scriptions of other patrons in this section; your DM can
use the adventure ideas in those descriptions to flesh
out job opportunities available through your guild.

dlO Adventures
Crime. You have to break the law to administer justice
or thwart a criminal act (see "Crime Syndicate").
2 Dragonmarked Affairs. The job involves some dragon·
marked house concern (see "Dragonmarked House").
3 Espionage. Someone requires some spying or sabotage
(see "Espionage Agency").
4 Statecraft. You're involved in national or international
affairs (see "Head of State").


dlO Adventures
5 Cryptic Mystery. The job is linked to the concerns of
immortals (see "Immortal Being").
6 Investigation. An assignment involves finding some·
thing or solving a mystery (see "Inquisitive Agency").

(^7) Military Action. Your party is invited to serve as a mili·
tary unit (see "Military Force").
8 Gathering News. You're called on to act as freelance
reporters (see "Newspaper").
9 Religious Work. The job involves the work of faith (see
"Religious Order").
10 Field Research. The job involves research or relic-hunt·
ing (see "University").
In any of these cases, the potential employer might
represent an established organization (a crime syndi­
cate or university, for example) or might be independent
like your party. In the latter case, there's always the
possibility that you could end up competing with an or­
ganization-running up against a crime syndicate while
pursuing a criminal job, perhaps, or competing with uni­
versity researchers to plunder a ruin. This competition
might turn into a rivalry, or it could evolve into employ­
ment, with the crime syndicate or university recognizing
your talent and becoming your patron.

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