Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1

Missions table provides suggestions for which house
might employ you along with multiple possibilities for
adventures that overlap with their interests. For the
more general kind of work you might carry out on behalf
of any dragonmarked house, consult the General House
Missions table.

Politics within a dragonmarked house can be vicious.
Perhaps your the house leadership's favorite scion. Per­
haps you've been exiled from your house for misdeeds­
your own or another's. In any case, use the Group Sta­
tus table to determine your party's standing within the


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Establish a safe location for a house enclave in a hos­
tile environment.
Find the wreckage of a crashed vehicle (airship, light­
ning rail car, sailing ship, or other) carrying house
Retrieve assets from a house enclave in the
Mourn land.
Protect a leader of your house from an anticipated
assassination attempt.
Enforce your house's territory by preventing a rival
from stealing its business.
Find a trove of dragonshards for your patron house
to use.
Recruit a renowned sage to join the house's team of
Persuade a hostile tribe to agree to a trade agreement
with your patron house.

d4 Status




Favored. You have access to the leadership of the
house, owing to your record of faithful service.
Reliable. You are reliable contributors to the house,
and can count on it for help in difficult situations.
Oddballs. You don't quite fit in, and tend to draw
strange assignments or those that other operatives
pass up.
Outcast. You have made some mistakes in the recent
past, and your status in the house is tenuous at best.

Yo ur primary contact within your patron house is an­
other house agent-perhaps a dragonmarked heir, an­
other fa mily member, or a guild leader. Some contacts
are devoted to the house and its interests, while others
might use your group to pursue a personal agenda. Con­
sult the House Contacts table to determine what sort of
arbiter oversees your party.


dl2 House Mission l Mission 2 Mission 3
l Cannith Escort a valuable shipment of Track down rare materials Advance the cause of one branch
goods of the family at the expense of the
other two
2 Deneith Act as bodyguards for a prominent Serve as mercenaries in a lingering Enforce the law across national
or wealthy person border conflict borders as Sentinel Marshals
3 Ghallanda Establish useful diplomatic Acquire rare ingredients or recipes Defend a Golden Dragon Inn that
contacts is under attack
4 Jorasco Provide healing for a caravan Seek out the source of a Find a cure for an exotic curse
or military unit on a dangerous mysterious new illne ss afflicting a wealthy patient
5 Kundarak Safeguard something valuable until Recover something stolen from Find an abandoned vault in the
it is locked in a va ult your house Mournland
6 Lyrandar Hunt down pirates in the Lhazaar Salvage a prototype airship lost in Accompany a new airship on its
Sea the Mournland first voyage
7 Medani Protect a powerful figure from Track down the source of rumors Find the villain behind a series of
kidnapping or assassination pointing to an imminent threat apparently unrelated crimes
8 Ori en Carry a sensitive message to its Retrieve an important package Investigate a problem on a
destination stolen from another courier lightning rail line
9 Phiarlan and Sneak into a secret area to serve as Steal plans for a powerful new Carry out an assassination
Thuranni the target of a scrying spell weapon
10 Sivis Mediate a tense negotiation Assure that two parties keep to the Break a code used during the Last
terms of their agreement War
11 Tharashk Track down fugitives Locate a supply of dragonshards Find the bandits who have been
preying on house prospectors
12 Vadalis Capture wild animals and tame Prevent magebred specimens from Handle the animals drawing
them upsetting a delicate ecosystem a massive caravan across the

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