Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
Warden. The Warden's focus isn't so much on the peo­
ple of the nation, but on the land encompassed within
its borders, both cultivated and wild. Sometimes that
extends to protecting the border from incursions, but
more often a Warden contend with monstrosities and
wild beasts that threaten the populace, magical cor­
ruption that harms the land, and disasters jeopardiz­
ing the nation as a whole. Wardens are often rangers
or druids, with proficiency in Nature and Perception.
They might come from backgrounds as outlanders or
hermits, making them more comfortable in the wilds
than in cities or royal courts.

Sometimes there's a fine line between the missions
assigned by a head of state and those of an espionage
agency or a military force, but your team's central fo­
cus is politics. As a group, consult the Cyran Affairs
table and work with your DM to decide what kinds of
adventures you undertake on behalf of Prince Oargev.
The Heads of State table at the end of the section offers
additional options for leaders who might make appeal­
ing patrons.

d6 Mission
Convince nations to recognize Oargev as a sovereign
2 Wo rk diplomatically to secure land for a Cyran nation
3 Track down agents and infiltrators from other nations
who are acting against New Cyre's interests
4 Venture into the Mourn land to salvage Cyran treasures
5 Aid Cyran refugees in Breland and elsewhere
6 Make incriminating or embarrassing evidence about
the prince quietly disappear

Heads of state employ a variety of agents. Some are offi­
cially recognized, but others are expected to operate on
the borders of legality. Consult the State Status table to
determine the nature of your group's work


d6 Status
1-3 Official. You hold an official position and are recog­
nized as attached to your patron. You can expect the
head of state's support, but you must also ensure
your actions avoid staining your patron's reputation.
4-5 Shadow. You can expect no official, public recognition
of your work, but the head of state you work for does
acknowledge you in private and provide help.
6 Double. Your allegiance lies with an official or govern­
ment other than the one you overtly serve. You may
receive support from the head of state you openly an­
swer follow, as well as the official you secretly report
to, but must remain on constant guard against having
your true loyalties revealed.


Often, your connection to your patron is quite direct­
the head of state summons you, grants you an audience,
and gives you an assignment or hears your report.
Heads of state are busy people, though, and if your
business isn't pressing, you might be handled by a func­
tionary of the court. The State Contacts table provides
several options for what functionaries your group might
work with when the head of state is indisposed.

d8 Contact
A disapproving courtier who finds your extrajudicial
work highly distasteful
2 A fawning sycophant who figures you are the best path
to the head of state's good graces
3 A wide-eyed bureaucrat who dreams of living a life as
exciting and dangerous as yours
4 A scheming relative of the head of state who sees you
as a path toward seizing power
5 A bored chancellor who is constantly irritated at the
amount of money you spend
6 A grumpy ex·adventurer who was "promoted" from
doing your job to supervising you
7 A worried parental figure who is sure that every mis­
sion will be your last
8 The ghost of the previous head of state


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