Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1







In yet another embarrassing blow to the Fairhaven
Watch, renowned inquisitive "Feather" Fallester has
apparently solved yet another case she randomly pulled
from the watch's files of unsolved mysteries. The
case-the theft of a bejeweled statuette on display in the
University ofWynarn Museum of Antiquities-baffled
watch officers seven years ago, but in a matter of five
days, Fallester managed to pin the crime on a changeling
thief called Spaut, who has confessed.

Daask. The Finders Guild has a difficult relationship
with the criminal organization called Daask. On the
one hand, Daask is a violent criminal gang whose
members are often targeted by Finders Guild inquisi­
tives. On the other hand, Daask is a gang of monsters,
many of whom actually left Droaam under the aus­
pices of House Tharashk. Finders Guild inquisitives
who pry too deeply into Daask business often feel
pressure to back away coming from higher in House
Tharashk. Those who ignore that pressure tend to end
up the targets of Daask assassins.
House Deneith. For centuries, House Deneith cornered
the market on mercenary forces in Khorvaire. It was
an unpleasant surprise for them when House Tha­
rashk entered the mercenary market in the later days
of the war, bringing monsters from Droaam to bolster
Five Nations armies. House Deneith still resents
House Tharashk for this, and the animosity between
the houses only increases when Finders' Guild inquis­
itives stick their noses into Sentinel Marshal business.

With an inquisitive agency as your group's patron, you
gain the following benefits:
Compensation. Yoti can collect fees from your clients
when you undertake investigations on their behalf.
You can set those fees, and clients will often pay
higher fees as your reputation and prestige increase.
A fee of 5 sp to 10 sp per inquisitive per day, plus ex­
penses incurred as part of the investigation, is a rea­
sonable starting rate.
Contacts. Through the Finders' Guild, each associated
inquisitive agency can benefit from the knowledge
and experience of not only other inquisitives, but also
bounty hunters, explorers, dragonshard prospectors,


and others who make use of House Tharashk's tal-
ent for finding. Thus, an affiliated agency might find
helpful allies not only in cities throughout the Five
Nations, but even in remote corners of the wilderness
where trackers and prospectors ply their trade. At the
DM's discretion, your contacts might direct you to new
cases, offer you leads in the case you're working on,
put you in touch with their own network of contacts,
or show up suddenly to pull you out of the fire. You
can call in a favor from your agency to draw on the
resources of any of your contacts. At the start of the
campaign, roll twice on the Contacts table to choose
two contacts. You will certainly acquire new contacts
in the course of your adventures, who might or might
not fit the descriptions of contacts on this table.

dl2 Contact
A friendly law-enforcement officer sends clients your
way and gives you inside information about the work­
ings of the watch.
2 A satisfied former client with a minor position in local
government can pull strings for you.

(^3) A lieutenant in a crime gang knows the underworld
and will help you so long as you don't interfere in that
gang's affairs.
4 A bitter, more experienced inquisitive spends a lot of
time telling you who you could have talked to ten years
ago-if that person hadn't died-but still knows a lot
about the city's inner workings.
S The owner of a tavern or other business that attracts
clientele from the seedy parts of society has an ear to
the ground and often feeds you leads to more work.
6 A wealthy former client can get you into high-society
parties and put you in touch with other rich people.
(^7) A nosy journalist always wants to write stories about
your cases, but also helps lead you to new work and
key contacts.
8 A local priest appreciates the work you do and provides
you with minor magical assistance.
9 A tough-as-nails street urchin will carry messages for
you, lead you anywhere in the city, and squeeze into
tight spaces for a meager reward.
(^10) A brooding warforged can connect you to an extensive
network of former soldiers.
11 A kalashtar seer might be a fraud, but also occasionally
provides you with valuable leads.
12 A curious changeling always seems to show up when
you least expect it.
A wide variety of talents can be useful in the work of an
inquisitive, leading the Finders' Guild to employ special­
ists with diverse skill sets. Many inquisitives come from
backgrounds such as criminal, sage, soldier, or urchin,
regardless of the role they play in a group. Consider
some or all of these roles for characters in your party:

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