Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1


Whether true or false, stories like these tend to cling
to inquisitive agencies and color their reputations. What
big story is associated with your agency (and possibly
your party)? Are the stories accurate, or do they reflect
only one side of a complicated situation? Roll on the Sig­
nature Case table or choose a case that cemented your

d6 Case
Case of the Century. You uncovered key evidence in a
sensational case. You made headlines, but some par­
ties involved carry grudges against you.
2 The Set Up. You uncovered evidence of a high-profile
figure's misdeeds. At trial, that evidence was deemed
fa lse, but by then the accused's career was ruined.
3 Scandal. Your work uncovered a deeply embarrassing
scandal that ended a powerful politician's career.
4 Underdog Champion. You brought justice to a sym­
pathetic victim, proving yourself a champion of those
overlooked by society.
5 Genius. Yo u resolved a case that baffled others, and
now you are celebrated for your brilliance.
6 Bungler. You bungled a case, badly. The guilty party
walked free, and everyone blames you.

Inquisitives tend to acquire a reputation for working
with a certain type of person. Some are known for
discretion, attracting wealthy clients who trust them to
keep a secret. Others are known to have a soft spot for
a sad story, drawing the type of client who has plenty of
troubles but little money. Roll on or choose an option
from the Clientele table to determine who tends to show
up at your office with a case.

d6 Clientele
Wealthy Socialites. Your discretion and low-key ap­
proach to cases make you the perfect team to handle
cases best keep out of the public eye.
2 Underdogs. Whether deserved or not, you have a repu­
tation for doing the right thing even if it comes without
a re asonable fe e. Anyone pitted against the rich and
powerful knows to come to you for justice.
3 Magnet for Trouble. Maybe you trust people too easily
or it's just bad luck, but every client who walks into your
office has some double deal, hidden agenda, or scam
they're running.

(^4) Desperate. You have a reputation for taking on clients
who can't afford your services. Every hard-luck case
ends up at your door, whether you want them or not.
5 Warforged. In a world where the rights of warforged are
not always certain, you take up their cause.
6 Criminals. When a criminal has been wronged but
doesn't want to be brought to justice they come to you,
trusting (rightly or wrongly) that you won't turn them in.
Beyond the Finders' Guild, the following inquisitive or­
ganizations solve mysteries across Khorvaire:
King's Citadel. Part spy, part inquisitive, and part
soldier, the agents of the King's Citadel serve crown
and country as the ultimate agency for dispensing the
king's justice in Breland. Local watches and constabu­
laries can call on its agents when a crime or situation
poses a threat that spreads beyond their jurisdiction.
Sentinel Marshals. The Sentinel Marshals are a mul­
tinational force administered by House Deneith and
authorized to enforce the law across Khorvaire. As
the only force that can cross borders in pursuit of fugi­
tives, they are well trained to track renegades.
Sharn Watch. Like most local police forces of any size,
the Sharn Watch includes inquisitives devoted to solv­
ing crimes and tracking down the perpetrators.
Warning Guild. Affiliated with but largely independent
from House Medani, the Warning Guild provides cer­
tification and contract employment for bodyguards,
inquisitives, and sentries across Khorvaire. The guild
emphasizes the use of logic, perception, and deduction
to assemble fragments of evidence into a recognizable
whole. Its inquisitives are often called upon to solve
mysteries that baffle local law enforcement.
Running Yo ur Own. Rather than join an existing in-
quisitive agency, you can start your own. You need to es­
tablish your own office. You can collect the same fees as
if you worked for another agency, and you have access
to the same range of contacts. You can also use the Run­
ning a Business downtime activity to direct the activities
of your agency, as described at the start of this section.

Military Force

Yo ur group serves as a team of soldiers in a larger mil­
itary force, one dedicated to combat missions or other
dangerous tasks. Yo u could be a team of mercenaries,
a special forces unit, or an ordinary squad of infantry.
Perhaps you protect a nation's people from monsters,
or even continue to fight the Last War in the shadows.
There is plenty of work for military forces at the edges of
civilization, such as protecting the Eldeen Reaches from
the dangers of the Demon Marches or skirmishing with
Droaam at the borders of Breland.

The soldiers of the Red cloak Battalion number among
the deadliest warriors in Breland. When a situation calls
for extreme military force, law enforcers turn to the
Redcloak Battalion. This elite unit fought at the forefront
of the Last War, and Brelish bards still sing of the ex­
ploits of Khandan the Hammer and Meira the Huntress.
At the end of the war, the battalion was split up and its
units assigned to cities and strongholds across Breland.
As an elite group of special forces, the Redcloaks don't
include inexperienced adventurers in their ranks. Con­
sidering that, there are two ways to use the Redcloak
Battalion as a group patron.
First, the Redcloaks do sometimes take inexperienced
adventurers under their wings. Existing Redcloaks
proved themselves on the battlefields of the Last War;
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